Know Everything About Testicular Torsion Treatment in India

Testicular Torsion is a medical emergency. This condition can affect a male’s fertility if not treated on time. It can even lead to the loss of one of his testicles. Testicular Torsion Treatment in India has reached a new pinnacle as Indian doctors have treated adult patients for the condition and infants as young as three months.


Keep reading to know why Testicular Torsion is a medical emergency and its treatments.


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What is Testicular Torsion?


Before talking about Testicular Torsion, let’s know what a testis is.


Testis is the male reproductive organ inside the scrotum, located outside the body in the groin area. The testis has two functions:


  • production of sperm for reproduction purposes
  • secreting male reproductive hormone – testosterone, responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics


Testes are a vital part of the male reproductive system and are essential for fertility and males’ overall health and well-being.


Let’s come to Testicular Torsion.


At times, the testicles rotate, twisting the spermatic cord that brings blood to the scrotum. The reduced blood flow causes sudden and often severe pain and swelling. This condition is called Testicular Torsion. The condition is most common between ages 12 and 18 but can occur at any age, even before birth.


What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Testicular Torsion?


Testicular torsion can happen to anyone and at any point in time. The main symptom of testicular torsion is sudden, severe pain in one of your testicles. Other symptoms include:


  • Painful swelling on one side of your scrotum
  • A visible lump on a testicle
  • One testicle is higher in your scrotum than the other
  • Discoloration (red, purple, brown, black) in your scrotum
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Peeing more than usual
  • Fever

What Are The Cause Of Testicular Torsion?


It is not exactly clear as to why testicular torsion occurs.

Most testicular torsion cases occur in people with a “bell clapper” deformity. In most individuals with testicles, the testicles remain securely attached to the scrotum, preventing them from twisting. However, in cases of bell clapper deformity, the testicles hang freely within the scrotum, resembling the swinging clapper of a bell. This unrestricted movement increases the risk of twisting.


Other probable causes include:


  • Injury to your testicles
  • Regular exposure to cold temperatures
  • The rapid growth of the testicle during puberty
  • Vigorous physical activity

Risk Factors Of Testicular Torsion


  • Age: Generally happens to buys between ages 12 and 18
  • Previous testicular torsion: If you had testicular pain that went away without treatment, it would most likely occur again.
  • Family history: You are most likely to have testicular torsion if your immediate biological relative had it.

What Are The Complications Of Testicular Torsion?


A person can have lifelong complications if they don’t receive timely treatment. Prolonged blood flow cutoff to the testicles can lead to the following complications:


  • Permanent damage to the testicles: Your testicles can survive only six hours without a blood supply. Post that, the testis has to be removed via surgery.
  • Male infertility: Damage or loss of testicles can affect a man’s ability to produce sperm and father children.

How Is Testicular Torsion Diagnosed?


Based on your symptoms, your healthcare provider will physically examine your testicles. They will also go through your medical history to get a clear picture of your condition.


In addition, your physician may assess your reflexes by gently rubbing or pinching the inner part of your thigh on the impacted side. Ordinarily, this stimulation prompts the testicle to contract. However, in cases of testicular torsion, this reflex may be absent.


Sometimes, medical tests may also be required to ascertain the cause of the condition, such as:


  • Urine tests: To check for infections
  • Scrotal ultrasound: This checks the blood flow to your scrotum. Decreased blood flow can be a sign of testicular torsion.
  • Surgery: Surgery is sometimes required to check whether the symptoms are caused by testicular torsion or other conditions.


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What Are The Available Testicular Torsion Treatments in India?


The only available treatment for testicular torsion is surgery.

During the surgery, called orchiopexy, the surgeon first untwists your testicle to restore the blood flow to the area. Then, they secure your testicle to an inner wall in your scrotum with stitches to prevent it from happening again.

In case of clapper deformity, your surgeon will also stitch your unaffected testicle to the inner scrotal wall.


Cost Of Testicular Torsion Treatment In India


The cost of Testicular Torsion Treatment In India ranges between $4000 to $5500.


Top Hospitals Offering Testicular Torsion Treatment In India


GoMedii has compiled a list of top hospitals offering orchiopexy in India. These hospitals are known for their cutting-edge medical equipment and renowned doctors. The hospitals are also known for their palliative care.


  1. Fortis Hospital and Kidney Institute, Kolkata
  2. Apollo Hospitals City Centre, Ahmedabad
  3. Rainbow Children’s Hospital and BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals, Marathahalli, Bangalore
  4. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi
  5. SSB Heart and Multispecialty Hospital, Faridabad
  6. Rainbow Children’s Hospital and BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals, Chennai
  7. SCI International Hospital, Delhi
  8. Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Delhi
  9. Rainbow Children’s Hospital and BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals, Bannerghatta, Bangalore
  10. La Midas – Medical Aesthetic and Wellness Center, Gururgram
  11. Apollo Specialty Hospital, Chennai
  12. Sri Ramachandra Medical Center, Chennai
  13. Sarvodaya Hospital, Mumbai
  14. Apollo Gleneagles, Kolkata
  15. Manipal Hospitals, Delhi
  16. Sharda Hospitals, Greater NOIDA
  17. Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi

FAQs On Testicular Torsion Treatment In India


1. Can testicular torsion cure itself?


No, testicular torsion can’t fix itself. If you don’t get surgery within six hours, a surgeon will likely need to remove your affected testicle. Newborns with testicular torsion often lose their testicles.


2. How long can your testes stay torsion?


The testes can survive only for 6-8 hours without ample blood supply, after which the tissues get damaged, leading to the death of the testes.


3. Can testicular torsion kill you?


The condition won’t kill you, but if not treated on time, it can make you infertile.


4. What does testicular torsion feels like?


The signs and symptoms of testicular torsion include:

  • sudden, severe pain in the scrotum
  • swelling of the scrotum
  • redness, tenderness, or hardening of the scrotum
  • nausea and vomiting

5. How to prevent testicular torsion while sleeping?


Some males inherit a trait where their testicles can rotate within the scrotum. If you possess this trait, the sole method of preventing testicular torsion is through a surgical procedure that involves attaching both testicles to the inner walls of the scrotum, called orchiopexy.


The above article has been proofread by our in-house health expert Dr Alok Pandey, physician (MBBS).


Choose GoMedii for affordable Testicular Torsion Treatment In India


If you want affordable testicular torsion treatment in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our Website and call us at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


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