Best Countries For Affordable Liposuction

Zaid Siddiqui

, Health A2Z

Liposuction is one of the most widely performed procedures in cosmetic surgery. Due to its high acceptance and medical acquisition, many practitioners feel confident in recommending this treatment, and most people who wish to sculpt their bodies can benefit from liposuction. But wait, finding the best country for liposuction is among the major tasks. Join GoMedii and uncover the facts regarding the best countries for affordable liposuction. This blog will shed light on the major prospects that should be there in every country to make it a medically prosperous country.


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What Is Liposuction Surgery?


Liposuction is a surgical procedure usually carried out whenever someone wants to get rid of stubborn fat and wants a more defined figure. The method uses suction to remove fat from specific areas of the body such as the stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck.

Benefits Of Liposuction


  • Liposuction is a Safe Removal of Fat
  • Liposuction can remove fat that even diet and exercise can’t
  • Liposuction improves your appearance and the way others perceive you
  • Liposuction permanently removes fat cells
  • Fat loss can improve your health
  • Liposuction can boost your self-esteem

Best Countries For Affordable Liposuction


1. South Korea:


South Korea is often referred to as the “plastic surgery capital of the world,” due to the high precision in treatments that they provide under plastic surgeries. Due to the high abundance of healthcare services, South Korea has emerged as a major destination for medical tourism. The country’s focus on aesthetic procedures ensures a high standard of care and cutting-edge techniques.


As companies helping with matchmaking for marriage and even job applications require a photo of the individual, the Korean population inevitably feels pressure to undergo plastic surgery to achieve “natural beauty.”


2. India


The number of liposuction procedures performed in India in 2020 was 60,120, which makes up 3.9% of the total liposuction procedures performed globally.


India is gaining recognition for its quality healthcare services at significantly lower prices. The country’s hospitals are equipped with advanced technology, and its surgeons are trained in the latest liposuction techniques.


3. Mexico


Mexico is a popular choice for patients from neighboring countries, particularly for its combination of skilled surgeons, modern facilities, and relatively lower costs.


4. Turkey


Turkey has emerged as a competitive destination for medical tourism, especially for liposuction. It offers a balance between quality medical services and affordability, backed by experienced surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities.


5. Thailand


Thailand offers a blend of affordable prices and high-quality medical services. The country’s hospitals are equipped with modern facilities, and its medical staff is well-trained in cosmetic procedures, including liposuction.


6. Brazil


Brazil’s reputation in cosmetic surgery is globally recognized, particularly in liposuction. Brazilian surgeons are known for their expertise and the artistic approach they bring to their work, making Brazil a favored destination for those seeking aesthetic enhancements.


7. United States Of America


The United States is home to some of the world’s most renowned plastic surgeons and medical institutions. While the cost may be higher, patients choose the U.S. for its innovative techniques and stringent healthcare standards.


What Are The Different Types Of Liposuction?


Several types of liposuction have been classified according to their intended purposes, including:

  • Tumescent liposuction: It is the most common type of liposuction. It involves injecting a large amount of saline solution, lidocaine (a local anesthetic), and epinephrine (a vasoconstrictor) into the treatment area. The solution numbs the area, reduces bleeding, and makes it easier to suction out the fat. Tumescent liposuction can be done under local or general anesthesia.


  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL): This type of liposuction uses ultrasound waves to liquefy fat cells before they are suctioned out. This can help treat areas with more fibrous tissue, such as the back or male breasts. UAL is often used in conjunction with tumescent liposuction.


  • Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL): This type of liposuction uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells. LAL can be used to tighten skin as well as remove fat. It is often used on smaller areas, such as the chin or neck.


  • Water-jet assisted liposuction (WAL): This type of liposuction uses a high-pressure stream of water to liquefy and suction out fat cells. WAL is a newer technique that is still being studied.


FAQs Related To Best Countries For Affordable Liposuction


Q: How high-risk is liposuction?


A: However, the possible risk factors of various liposuction procedures are very minimal, but whenever large volumes of liposuction are performed, such as fluid shifts, it may increase the risk of chronic kidney, heart, and lung problems.


Q: What is the recovery time for liposuction?


A: It may take one to three months to fully recover after surgery. This recovery period may vary depending on the condition of the patients and the complications that arise during and after the surgery.


Q: Is Korea number 1 for plastic surgery?


A: Yes, South Korea is also called the “plastic surgery capital of the world,” due to the high precision in treatments that they provide under plastic surgeries.


Q: What is the SAFEST liposuction?


A: The SAFEST liposuction technique is a combined procedure of PAL and RFAL to achieve skin tightening and fat reduction with minimal added morbidity.


Q: What is safer than liposuction?


A: Considering some of the risks of liposuction, coolsculpting could be an option that is safer than liposuction, which is used for removing small amounts of body fat. It is appropriate for those who want to remove fat from particular areas of their bodies. 


Q: How painful is liposuction?


A: Sometimes, liposuction can be very painful, which may persist, 2 to 3 weeks after the surgery. The fluid used in liposuction contains local anesthesia to reduce discomfort in the areas that have been treated.


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Choose GoMedii For The Best And Affordable Liposuction Treatment In India


If you want the best and most affordable liposuction treatment in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of the most reputed hospitals to get you the best medical treatment in India at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail yourself of our packages, you can contact us on our website or at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


Contact GoMedii to get your queries resolved by our team of medical experts. You can also reach out to us to apply for a medical visa.


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