Anti-Aging Foods: Natural Ways to Get the Glow Back!

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Everyone has a wish that they look young and glowing all their lives. Is this possible? Sadly No! Yet, never lose hope. We might not have the fairy godmother like cinderella but we have nature giving us the solutions. We are all set to let you enjoy the young skin as long as you can. Well, you just have to do this little you have to do, just include these anti-aging food in your diet. Every person wishes to be young, beautiful, flawless and healthy all their life. But sometimes it is very hectic to maintain such a healthy lifestyle and sometimes our diet is also improper.


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What Do You Mean by Anti-Aging Food?


The definition of anti-aging is to delay, stop or retard the aging process. Our bodies are made of cells, and aging occurs when there is cell death. That food that prevents this process is known as an anti-aging food.



What are Anti-Aging Foods?


Well, here we give you some really interesting facts about those which can decrease the process of aging:



1) Anti-Aging Fruits:


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Fruits like papaya, apple, and blueberries are among some the high rated anti-aging food. Having blueberries not only tastes good but can make you look good as well because they increase circulation to help your skin glow. Blueberries are also filled with vitamin C, another antioxidant crucial for collagen production adds Jarosh.


2) Black Coffee/ Green Tea:


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Anti-oxidants help your skin glow. When you drink any of the above twice a day (we do not recommend more). The metabolism leaves out impurities that settle which Green tea and Black coffee.


3) Sauteed Veggies:


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As exotic as it sounds, it has so many benefits you can very well relish. You have to just take a saucer and put veggies like broccoli and zucchini with oregano. Well, I am sure that makes a sumptuous meal. It is one of the best diet inclusion for anti-aging.


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4) Dark Chocolate:




We bet this brought a smile on your face! Well, yes a dark chocolate cube of 75% cocoa, can help you bring back the glow. You can eat it as per your preference, but remember that everything in excess is bad.


5) Leafy Greens:


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These are high in vitamin C content enhances collagen production to keep skin firm and smooth. But that’s not all. Vitamin A it provides may promote strong, shiny hair, while vitamin K has been shown to help reduce inflammation in cells. In general, vegetables and fruits are great for the skin.


6) Lentils:

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Lentils are of protein and are loaded with fiber and nutrients. Our skin is essentially made of protein, so if you don’t have enough healthy protein in your diet, your skin will reflect that deficiency.


7) Seafood:


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Prawns and other fishes are good in omega 3. This particular nutrient brings a natural glow to your skin and you can relish it with a bit of mustard and pepper.


Anti-aging food is the most natural way to hold on to that ever attractive glow. If your skin gets to burn from the sun or you may experience any wrinkles and dull skin due to age then consult a brilliant and experienced dermatologist.


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