Bell’s palsy: A facial Muscle Paralysis

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

If you woke up in the morning and you saw your face drooped on one side then it could be bell’s palsy. It is a condition that occurs due to temporary weakness or paralysis in facial muscles.  Well, it is not a serious condition and the resolve in some time.


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What is Bell’s palsy?


Bell’s palsy, is an injury that occurs when the nerve that controls the muscles of the facial muscles is cut by injury to the brain.


The facial muscles may stiffen, making it difficult to move the mouth or smile. The affected side of the face may droop on one side.


Other symptoms may include facial weakness, drooping of the eyelids, double vision, difficulty chewing or swallowing, and speech difficulties.


It is a health condition that occurs due to an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis. This condition can occur suddenly and can get worsens over 48 hours. The results of the situation can lead to damage to the facial nerve. You can face some discomfort and pain usually occur on one side of the face or head.


It can occur at any span of age.  Usually, it strikes most often in pregnant women, and people who have already some health conditions such as influenza, diabetes, a cold, or another upper respiratory disease. The occurrence rate affects equally both men and women. But it’s more common in people age 15 to 60.


It is not a permanent condition it can be treated with medicines easily, but in rare cases, it does not disappear. Currently, there is no known cure for Bell’s palsy; however, recovery usually begins 2 weeks to 6 months from the onset of the symptoms. Most people with the condition recover full facial strength and expression.


What causes Bell’s palsy?


The cause of Bell’s palsy is not known. It is thought that it may be due to inflammation that is directed by the body’s immune system against the nerve controlling movement of the face. Bell’s palsy is sometimes associated with the following:




  • Injury


  • Toxins


  • Lyme disease


  • Guillain-Barré syndrome


  • Sarcoidosis


  • Myasthenia gravis



Symptoms that can occur with Bell’s Palsy?


The signs and symptoms of the condition may include:



  • Problems moving one or both eyes


  • Dizziness and vertigo


  • Difficulty chewing


  • Flopping eyelids or sagging eyelids


  • Wet or sticky eyes


  • Slurred speech


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How is Bell’s Palsy diagnosed?


The doctor can easily diagnose the condition of Bell’s palsy by looking at your symptoms. Actually, no specific tests are required to diagnose Bell’s palsy. But your doctor may ask you for some tests to rule out other conditions that can show similar symptoms. These tests may include:


  • Electromyography (EMG), is a test to determine the extent of nerve involvement.


  • Blood tests, if you are dealing with some condition like diabetes or Lyme disease is present.


  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT).


How can be Bell’s Palsy treated?


Doctors will treat facial paralysis and treat pain by using a cream that contains corticosteroids.


These corticosteroids can stop the swelling in Bell’s Palsy so it does not disrupt your life.


They can also be injected directly into the nerve.


The corticosteroids may be injected as a shot or used on the skin with a liquid.


Surgery may also be needed to repair the nerve in some cases.


Is it contagious?


Although anyone can contract Bell’s Palsy, it is uncommon for it to be passed from person to person.


Most people are infected through close contact, but this only accounts for 20 to 30 per cent of all cases.


To help prevent Bell’s Palsy from spreading, it is best to avoid sharing food and drink with people who have a cold, the flu, or pink eye.




Here, we have discussed all of Bell’s palsy along with its symptoms and treatment. Your doctor can manage your symptoms easily with the help of medication. Some simple exercises can also help to manage your condition. But If you saw any of the above-mentioned symptoms then you should consult your doctor for proper treatment.


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