What Are The Common Causes of UTI? How It Affects You

Shikhar Atri

, Health A2Z

A urinary tract infection (UTIs) affects the bladder and the urethra, and the tube that drains urine from the bladder to outside the body. It also affects your kidney and ureters. You should know the common causes of UTI. It is one of the most common infections in humans and it can happen anywhere in your urinary tract. It involves the ureters and kidneys, in the upper tract. If we are talking about the upper tract UTIs then it rarer than lower tract UTIs, and they’re also usually more severe.


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What Are The Common Causes of UTI?


Urinary tract infections are caused by microbes organisms too small to be seen without a microscope including fungi, viruses, and bacteria. The most common causes of UTIs are as follows:


The doctor gives different names because UTI depending on where they occur. For example:


  • A bladder infection is called cystitis.
  • A urethra infection is called urethritis.
  • A kidney infection is called pyelonephritis.


What are the common causes of UTI and other factors?


There are so many factors that can increase the risk of getting a UTI. These factors include:


  • Your age (older people at high risk to get UTIs)


  • Kidney stones



  • A previous history of UTI


  • A weak immune system


  • The poor condition of your diabetes


  • Abnormally developed urinary structures from birth


  • Prolonged use of urinary catheters may infect your bladder


  • Urinary tract obstructions or blockages, such as an enlarged prostate and certain forms of cancer.


So these are the common causes of UTI, in case you are also doing this then you should have to avoid some of the causes if it is possible.


What are the symptoms of UTI?


We were told you the common causes of UTI but you should also know the symptoms and it depends on which part of the urinary tract is infected.

Lower tract UTIs affect the urethra and bladder. Symptoms of a lower tract UTI include:


  • Bloody urine


  • Cloudy urine


  • Burning while urinating


  • Dark urine that looks like yellow, cola, or tea


  • Urine that has a strong odor


  • Rectal pain in men



  • Increased urgency of urination


  • Increased the frequency of urination without passing much urine


Symptoms, when kidney infects,


  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Vomiting or Nausea
  • Lower back pain or pain in the side of your back


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How to diagnosis the UTI?


To Diagnose, the doctor will suggest several tests to examine the patient’s health and then they will decide which treatment is required according to the patient’s health.

Urine test: Your urine sample help to assess the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, and bacteria.

Urodynamics: In this procedure, the doctor will determine how well the urinary tract is storing and releasing from the urine.

Cystoscopy: This test helps to diagnose the doctor to see inside the bladder and urethra with the help of a camera lens, which inserted through the urethra through a long thin tube.

Imaging test: This test helps to assess the urinary tract using ultrasound, X-rays, CT and MRI scanning, or radiation tracking.


Treatment of UTI


If we are talking about the treatment then it depends on the common causes of UTI. Your health care provider will be able to determine which organism is causing the infection from the test results used to confirm the diagnosis.

For most people, the cause of UTI is bacteria. And the doctor will treat with antibiotics.

Viruses or fungi may be the causes of UTI in some cases. If those have viral UTIs then they can be treated with medications called antivirals. Often, fungal UTIs can be treated with medications called antifungals, but the antiviral cidofovir is the choice to treat viral UTIs.


Does UTI can damage your kidneys?


When UTI is treated early, then there will be no effect on your urinary tract. It can be harm to your other organs if not treated on time. But sometimes the common causes of UTI also affect your kidney.


What should I do if I am pregnant?


If you are pregnant and you feel any of these symptoms of a UTI, then you should immediately meet your doctor and they will give you the right advice. UTI can put both mother and baby at risk if not dealt with quickly and properly.


Why UTIs more common in women than men?


If you are comparing then it usually, the urine is sterile, And UTIs are caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract through the urethra. In this process, women contract these infections more frequently than men because the urethra in women is significantly shorter than in men.


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