Prostate Gland Diseases: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Vaibhav Saxena

, Health A2Z

Feeling troublesome in your lower abdominal area? This could be a kind of a Prostate gland disease! Don’t stay in doubts when it’s about your health, read below to find assurance.


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What is the Prostate Gland?


The prostate gland also termed as prostate, is a walnut-sized gland which is situated between the penis and bladder of a male. This gland is only present in the male body, responsible for performing various essential tasks in the urinary tract and the reproduction system.


This functioning of this gland is very distinct and vital which varies in different species of mammal. In humans, it is a saclike gland which secretes essential fluids and regulates the flow in the urinary tract.




What are the Functions of the Prostate Gland?


1. Exocrine gland:

The Prostate produces and secretes an alkaline seminal fluid which is present in the high ratio in the fluid excreted during ejaculation.


2. Protection for semen:

The prostate fluid protects and nourishes the semen.


3. Muscle pump:

This walnut gland pumps the semen with enough force to reach the cervix of the vagina.


4. Detoxification:

This gland reduces the toxins from the body which are harmful to the quality of sperm. The chances of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) are deduced by the detoxification done by this gland.




What are the Prostate Gland Diseases?


The more functionality this gland offers the much risk of diseases it persists. There are some fatal diseases that can be acquired by prostate gland if proper care is not taken. These diseases may be asymptomatic at times but more often shows clear symptoms that are easily detected by the males.


The disease like conditions generally causes disturbance to the size of the gland. Underlying is the possible ailments and their symptoms:


1. Prostatitis:

Prostatitis is a disease which is caused due to inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland. This condition can be painful and is very common in men. This ailment can be divided into a category of acute and chronic according to the severity of it.


It is said that over 8% of men suffer from this disease on average. Men of older age, above 50 years are more likely to fall prey to this disease.



2. Prostate Cancer:

It is a fatal disease which thrives inside the gland slowly yet steadily but fortunately does not spread to other parts of the body. The cancer is rarest in males under age of 40 years but men above the age of 50 years are easily fallen prey.


This is one of the most common forms of cancer, affecting men in a large number around the world. This kind of cancer is diagnosed by digital rectal exam to detect any traces of lumps in the prostate gland.



3. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an ailment which causes difficulty while urination due to massive enlargement of prostate gland. The passage of urine from the bladder to urethra gets blocked due to the large size of the gland. This condition causes pain while urination and constant urgency to urinate as well.



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What are the Symptoms of Prostate Gland Diseases?


The diseases caused in the walnut gland must be diagnosed and treated immediately in case of repelling the danger away. To find the proper diagnosis and treatment one needs to sense the symptoms first, underlying is the varying symptoms according to the kind of disease.

1. Prostatitis symptoms:

  • Blood in urine
  • Pain in rectum, penis or testicles
  • Pain and burning sensation while urinating
  • A headache and cold
  • Weak, dribbling, or interrupted flow of urine


2. Prostate Cancer Symptoms:

  • Weak, dribbling, or interrupted flow of urine
  • Blood in semen and urine
  • Difficulty in having an erection
  • Pain and burning sensation while urinating
  • Pain in back, thighs, pelvis or hips


3. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptoms:

  • A sudden urge of urination continuously
  • Slow urinary stream
  • Blood not emptying completely
  • Nocturia (urinating more than thrice a night)
  • Blood in urine
  • Painful urination




What are the Treatments for Prostate Gland Diseases?


Each and every symptom of the disease must be keenly diagnosed and observed. Later, the patient should consult the doctor and follow the recommended solutions provided by the doctor. Also, the treatment measure may differ according to the kind of disease which can be learned below:


1. Prostatitis Treatment:

Some set of tests like blood tests and urine tests are conducted to diagnose the disease. The doctor recommends natural remedies like massages and exercise and medication which include anti-biotic to deduce the inflammation.


2. Prostate Cancer Treatment:

Active surveillance is highly recommended by the doctor. The surgical method like radical prostatectomy is conducted which involves the removal of lump through invasive surgery whereas radiation therapy is also used to eliminate the cancer cells with the help of photons.


3. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment:

In case of chronicity, TUNA (Transurethral Needle Ablation) is performed which is an effective treatment for BPH where high-frequency waves travel to the gland to burn a certain portion with the help of two needles. Also, there are medication options and home remedies like thermotherapies and pelvic strengthening exercises that are helpful in acute cases.




What are the Preventions of Prostate Gland Diseases?


Keeping your health in observation by regular visits and check-up with the doctor is the best way of eliminating all risks.


Avoid smoking and eating too much oily food and consumption of caffeine, try eating more protein-rich foods. Staying active and exercising for strengthening your pelvic muscles is a boon.


Also, never resist the flow of urine for too long, urinate when feeling an urge.





The rate of prostate gland diseases is in 7 figure numbers so stay aware of all the symptoms and prevention that may help you in tackling the chronicity of the diseases. Following healthy routine and self-care is the best solution of leading a hassle-free life.



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