Diarrhea During Pregnancy: Ways To Manage It

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Diarrhea during pregnancy is one of the common problems of an ongoing pregnancy. Have you ever heard that diarrhea is a sign of pregnancy? Yes, sometimes it can be an early sign of pregnancy. Well, it is quite normal to have constipation or diarrhea at some point in the journey of your pregnancy.


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Why is Diarrhea During pregnancy is Common?


The main cause of all the problems while pregnancy is a result of hormonal changes. Hormones play a crucial role in the development of your child but for the mothers-to-be, it works as a spoiler. Some of the early symptoms of pregnancy, including nausea, morning sickness, or vomiting, or may even diarrhea.


Hormones, like progesterone, estrogen, and human chorionic gonadotropin (Hcg), impact your gastrointestinal system while pregnancy. Though hormonal changes are common during pregnancy, only a few suffer from loose motion in their pregnancy.


Reasons That Causes Diarrhea During pregnancy?


As above mentioned hormonal changes are the main cause of diarrhea during pregnancy. But there are some more causes of diarrhea during pregnancy. Some of these are listed below apart from hormonal changes:


1. Prenatal Vitamins


Prenatal vitamins are prescribed by the doctor for the baby’s health and growth. These supplements can lead sometimes to an upset stomach and diarrhea during pregnancy. If these prenatal vitamins don’t suit your system then consult with a doctor again can be a good choice.


2. Variation in Diet


As your pregnancy started, you should become more conscious about your eating habits, to add more nutritious food. A sudden change in your diet could have impacted your gut and lead to diarrhea during pregnancy.


3. Food Sensitivities


If you are sensitive to certain types of food, eating them during pregnancy can impact your digestive system. You may discover some food items that causing an upset stomach or bloating.


5. Lactose Intolerance


Usually, doctors advise against giving milk to kids with an upset stomach because it is a natural laxative. It can to same with you during pregnancy, as well. The access of milk to your regular diet can be the dietary change that could cause diarrhea during pregnancy.


Diarrhea may be a result of other factors such as:


  • Bacterial and viral infections


  • Stomach flu



  • Intestinal parasites


  • Medications


  • Irritable bowel syndrome


  • Celiac disease


  • Crohn’s disease


  • Ulcerative colitis


Home Remedies for Diarrhea During Pregnancy


Home remedies are best for the common discomforts during your pregnancy. OTC drugs are not advisable during pregnancy and thus, in case of loose motion or diarrhea, you can try some of these home remedies:


Lots and Lots of water


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Drink plenty of water to supplement the lost fluid in your body. Try to drink at least one liter every two hours.


Ginger tea


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Drink ginger tea because it has antispasmodic properties that may help relieve the symptoms of diarrhea by reducing stomach spasms and the gases from the fermented material that cause frequent, watery stools. For this, you just need to boil some ginger and tea in water and allow it to stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and then consume with sugar or honey.


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Honey with lukewarm water


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You can also try drinking three to four tablespoons of honey in a glass of lukewarm water. The antioxidant and antibacterial properties found in honey’s enzymes and amino acids help boost the immune system.


Lemon with the pinch of black pepper


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Lemon is a liver stimulant that helps in controlling irritable bowel movement and provides relief from loose motion during pregnancy. You can consume a mixture of lemon juice, one-fourth teaspoon of crushed black pepper, and half a teaspoon of ginger powder two times a day.



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You can also add peppermint extract to half a cup of water and drink it twice or thrice a day. The volatile oils in peppermint have been known to soothe irritable bowel syndrome, with their calming and numbing effects.




As we already discussed diarrhea during pregnancy is very common but we should not avoid the same and consult the doctor for the same. Diarrhea can lead to weakness which can create some other complications as well.  So, try these remedies and consult your doctor. You can order online medicines prescribed by the doctor.


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