Gestational Diabetes : A Diabetes During Pregnancy

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


Pregnancy is that time of life where a woman is going the most critical yet such a beautiful phase. It is the responsibility of everyone to take care of her and the unborn. It is her responsibility as well to take care of herself, as she is most vulnerable to many critical and chronic health conditions. One of them is Gestational diabetes. What are the symptoms, who are at a higher risk, will be discussed where you can get an overview of the situation you might face later as pregnant women. There are some preventions which will also be discussed in order to prevent oneself from Gestational diabetes.


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Who are at Risk of Gestational Diabetes?


While there are no certain parameters to meet to be at risk of gestational diabetes, as any pregnant women can get this type of diabetes. Some of the major reasons that can increase your chances are listed below.


1) BMI: Body Mass Index.


In case your body mass index is above 30, then you might be at a higher risk of getting gestational diabetes.

2) Pregnant at a later age:


When you conceive at an age above 25, it increases the chances of being prone to the condition.

3) The previous record of the heavyweight child:


In case your previous pregnancy has complications and the child born was heavier than the normal weight (4.5kg or more) of a newborn.


4) Obesity:


A female suffering from obesity or overweight can be at high risk of getting gestational diabetes.



What are the Complications from Gestational Diabetes?


1) The excess weight of the newborn:


Your newborn can suffer from the excess weight which will further prove disadvantageous for the child in the future.


2) Preterm birth and respiratory distress syndrome:


Preterm labour and early due date might be suggested by the doctor due to the large size of the baby. Babies born early may experience respiratory distress syndrome which is a condition that makes breathing difficult.


3) Future diabetes:


The risk of you and your child suffering from diabetes (especially type 2)in future increases manifold once there is gestational diabetes suffered during the time of pregnancy.


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What Can be the Symptoms?



Gestational diabetes, does not really have a significant development of symptoms, yet if the female is suffering from high blood pressure, you can see the following symptoms:


  • Increased thirst


  • Needing to pee more often than usual


  • Feeling dry mouth


  • Fatigue and tiredness



What is the treatment?



Treatment, in this case, includes the balance of blood sugar levels normal. You can opt for special meal plans and regular physical activity. It can also include daily blood sugar testing and insulin injections.


During pregnancy, it is important that every lady is given extra care. Gestational diabetes leads to a lot of complication both for the mother and the child. A proper diet and physical activities can reduce the chances of the female acquiring the condition. There are a number of experts and consultants at our website who can help you with your doubt regarding this condition and various others.


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