How Much Fruits Should We Have Everyday?

Prakhar Tyagi

, Health A2Z

Fruits and vegetables are enormously important parts of a healthy diet. They are low in calorie and very high in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

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A diet containing abundant fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of many serious diseases up-to a great extent like heart-disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, type 2 diabetes, premature death, serious disorders and other chronic diseases.

But how many servings of fruit should you eat each day to be healthy? Eating too much can be harmful.

The right amount of fruits to be consumed by you depends on various factors which include age, gender, physical activity, and level of activity. These sorts determine how many fruits and vegetables you should be eating every day.

Although it also depends on your caloric intake, a “five to seven a day” rule is advised as a perfect fruit diet. It is recommended that, for an adult, 400g- 800 g of fruit and vegetable should be eaten every day or five to eight portions of 80g each. It can reduce a person’s chance of having a stroke by 33%, while the risk of heart disease can drop by around 24 percent. The risk of premature death and cardiovascular diseases can be reduced by 30%.

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You can consume the above portion in several ways:

  • Fruit salad
  • Toss some fruit into your breakfast
  • Sautéed vegetables
  • Crunch on a green salad
  • Pair fruit with cheese
  • Munch on dried fruit
  • Add veggies you like to dishes you love
  • Spoon up some soup
  • Juice it up
  • Pizza toppings
  • Toss some on the grill
  • Dress up your dinner plate with fruit
  • Drizzle with some cheese sauce
  • Much on stews or pasta meals
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