Lung Cancer Causes Which You Must Know About

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Our body works in coordination with many organs. Lungs are one of them. Lungs also suffer from chronic conditions like cancer. Lung cancer causes are though known to many, very few take care of it in the right way. The increased risk of lung cancer is more to the ones who are addicted to smoking.


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We take our bodies for granted. In this course, we neglect the ways to take care of it. Lung cancer causes must be dealt with greater focus. There are different types of cancer. Each has it’s own symptoms and also treatment.


Define Lung Cancer:


Lung cancer is the stage of the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in the lungs. Usually, this cancer starts in the cells that line the air passages. These abnormal cell growth that starts growing inside the lungs divide rapidly to form tumors.


As these tumors become larger and numerous, they start affecting the lung’s ability to provide the bloodstream with oxygen. Those tumors that remain in one place of the body and do not appear to spread are called “benign tumors.”


Malignant tumors are the most dangerous ones that spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or through the lymphatic system. The risk of lung cancer is more in people with a bad lifestyle which includes smoking.


These uncontrolled abnormal cells grow inside the lungs rapidly divide to form tumors. As the number of tumors becomes larger, tumors start affecting the lung’s ability to provide the oxygen bloodstream.



Lung Cancer Causes, You Should Know About:


Smoking cigarettes is the main lung cancer cause. Some of the studies define the relationship between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer.


1) Smoking


The incidence of lung cancer causes is very much related to cigarette smoking. It has been observed that 90% of lung cancers were actually the result of tobacco use.

The risk of lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over time. Most of the doctors refer to this risk in terms of pack-years of smoking history.

Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemical compounds, many of which have been shown to be cancer-causing, or carcinogenic.


2) Passive Smoking


Passive smoking is also a lung cancer cause. This is also known as the inhalation of secondhand tobacco smoke from other smokers sharing living or working around you. This has also been a very known risk factor for getting lung cancer.

Research has said that about 24% of the cases have come up. In these cases, it was basically about the people who were around smokers who got lung cancer.


3) Radon Gas


Radon gas is a natural chemically inert gas. It is a natural decay product of uranium. It decays to form products that give out a type of ionizing radiation. Radon gas is a known lung cancer cause. It has been widely estimated that 12% of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon gas.


4) Familial Predisposition


While the majority of lung cancers are associated with tobacco smoking, the fact that not all smokers eventually develop lung cancer suggests that other factors, such as individual genetic susceptibility, may play a role in the causation of lung cancer.


5) Lung Disease


The presence of certain diseases of the lung, notably chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is associated with a slightly increased risk.


6) Air Pollution


This is undeniable by anyone who is reading this. It makes more sense when you are from in and around Delhi. Is it not true? Air pollution might not do damage immediately but yes in years ahead, it surely does.

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Signs Leading to Lung Cancer Causes:


As with any cancer type, the early detection of cancer is the key to survival. Screening for lung cancer with continued low-dose computed tomography (CT) has been demonstrated to reduce lung cancer mortality.


Some symptoms like coughing, hoarseness, wheezing, and fatigue are often confused with less serious conditions. A person may have an increased risk of lung cancer if he/she has been exposed to asbestos, radon or other agents that cause cancer or if the person has a personal or family history of lung cancer disease. One of the main lung cancer causes is smoking, yet not everyone who smokes gets cancer nor does everyone who gets lung cancer do smoking.



1. A long Persistent Cough

Always keep a check on how long has the cough been troubling you. A cough that is experienced during a cold or respiratory infection will go away in a week or two, but a persistent cough that stays for a very long time can be a symptom of lung cancer.

You should never dismiss a continuous cough, whether it’s dry or produces mucus. See your doctor right away. They will listen to your lungs and may order an X-ray or other tests.


2. Cough May Change

You just do not pay attention to the duration you suffer from cough but then also how there might be some notable changes, particularly if you smoke.

If you’re coughing more than you usually do, your cough is deeper, or you’re coughing up blood or an unusual amount of mucus, rush to your doctor now. Any member of your family or friend who might be complaining of such signs, tell them to visit a doctor.


3. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is a sign and symptom of lung cancer. If you are suffering from a change in your breathing pattern it might be due to the fact that lung cancer blocks or narrows an airway, or if fluid from a lung tumor builds up in the chest.

If you feel difficulties in breathing while climbing stairs and walking, it is high chances of you suffering through the condition.


4. Pain in the Chest Area


Pain in the chest, shoulders, or back is among the signs of lung cancer. There can be high chances that constant pain might be an indication or signs and symptoms of lung cancer. If you have an aching feeling, it is not always due to coughing.

Notice where you experience the maximum pain if it is in a certain place or throughout your chest. When lung cancer causes chest pain, the discomfort may result in the pain along with the chest wall, the lining around the lungs or the ribs.


5. Drastic Weight Loss


If you feel that an unexplained weight loss has taken place, do not be glad about it. You might be losing weight because of the lung cancer that has been developed in your body. Your merriment might get over, as weight loss of more than 10 pounds is an alarming sign of you suffering from lung cancer.


Some symptoms like coughing, hoarseness, wheezing, and fatigue are often confused with less serious conditions. A person may have an increased risk of lung cancer if he/she has been exposed to asbestos, radon or other agents that cause cancer or if the person has a personal or family history of lung cancer disease.


One of the main lung cancer causes is smoking, yet not everyone who smokes gets cancer nor does everyone who gets lung cancer do smoking.



What are the Stages of Lung Cancer?


This cancer has majorly 4 stages including;


Stage 1: Cancer is found in the lung, but not spread outside the lung.

Stage 2: Cancer is found in the lung as well as nearby lymph nodes.

Stage 3: Cancer is found in the lung and lymph nodes in the middle of the chest.

Stage 3(i): Cancer is found in lymph nodes on the same side of the chest.

Stage 3(ii): Cancer has spread to lymph nodes as well as on the opposite side of the chest.

Stage 4: Cancer has spread to both the lungs, around the lungs, and to distant organs.



While we have given you detailed knowledge of lung cancer causes, you can know the treatment too. Lung cancer treatments may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatments or one of several interventional radiology procedures. A person should discuss lung cancer symptoms, risks, and treatment options with the doctor. To get an instant appointment or consultation regarding lung cancer treatment, you can contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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