Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally severe or prolonged bleeding. Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common problem, most women do not have enough blood loss to be defined as menorrhagia.


With menorrhagia, you cannot do your usual activities when you have your period because you have a lot of blood loss and cramps. If you are afraid of your period because you have heavy menstrual bleeding, talk to your doctor. There are many effective treatments for menorrhagia.


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What is Menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is also known as heavy menstrual bleeding and is the term for frequent and prolonged menstrual periods that interrupt a woman’s normal activities.


This is one of the most common gynecological complaints that affects approximately 20 million women in all across the world.


An alternative definition that has been suggested is: “Menstrual loss is greater than what a woman considers reasonable.”


This type of flow lasts more than 7 days and requires a woman to change her pads every 2 hours or more.


They can also transmit blood clots that are larger than a quarter, and blood loss can lead to anemia.


Menorrhagia is one of the most common gynecological complaints.




What are the Symptoms of Menorrhagia?

There are several symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding including;

  • Suck several hours in a row with one or more sanitary napkins or tampons per hour.
  • A woman must use a double hygiene protection to control your menstrual flow.
  • Need to wake up to change napkins during the night.
  • Bleeding for more than a week.
  • Transmit blood clots larger than a quarter.
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding lowers the daily activities.
  • Symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, fatigue or shortness of breath.




What are the Causes of Menorrhagia?

The condition of menorrhagia can occur when a menstrual cycle produces imbalance egg-producing hormone in the body. Ovulation-free menstrual cycles are also known as anovulation that are mainly more common in those who:

  • Recently started period or
  • Menopause is approaching


Other reasons for menorrhagia may be:

Hormonal Changes: When there is a change in the normal fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone, the endometrium or uterine lining may accumulate which is removed during menstrual bleeding.


Ovarian Dysfunction: When the ovary does not dissolve the egg, it does not produce progesterone, which produces a hormonal imbalance.


Uterine Fibroids: These are benign or non-cancerous tumors.


Uterine Polyps: These benign tumors can lead to higher hormone levels.


Adenomyosis: The glands of the endometrium are integrated into the uterine muscle.


Non-Hormonal Intrauterine Pessary (IUD): IUD is a type of contraceptive that may cause more intense bleeding than normal.


Adnexitis (PID): This is an infection of the sexual organs, which can have serious complications.


Complications Related to Pregnancy: Examples are a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.


Cancer: Cancers of the cervix, cervix, and ovary affect the reproductive system.


Hereditary Disorders of Coagulation: They include von Willebrand disease or a disorder of platelet function.


Medications: Anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants can cause severe bleeding.


Other diseases that can cause menorrhagia are endometriosis, thyroid disease, and diseases of the liver or kidneys.


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What are the Treatments for Menorrhagia?

The treatments of menorrhagia depend on the individual case.

Pharmacological therapy for heavy menstrual bleeding includes:

  • Iron supplements for the treatment of anemia
  • Tranexamic acid, taken at the time of bleeding, for reducing blood loss.
  • Oral contraceptives to regulate the cycle as well as to reduce the amount and duration of bleeding.
  • Taking oral progesterone for the treatment of reducing bleeding and hormonal imbalances.
  • Hormone IUD used to dilute the uterine lining, reducing cramping and bleeding.
  • In women with bleeding disorders such as mild hemophilia, desmopressin or nasal spray may increase the concentration of coagulation proteins in the blood.





Menorrhagia is a condition related to menstrual periods with abnormally severe or prolonged bleeding. The condition is also known as heavy menstrual bleeding which is a common problem among most women but can be cure easily.


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