Positive Impact of Music Therapy in Depression

, Health A2Z

It is believed that music has been used since time immemorial to help people deal with difficult emotions and communicate better. Because of its strong and immediate impact on our emotions as well as its ability to naturally increase levels of neurochemicals, including endorphins, “feels good”, music is now being added to many rehabilitation programs around the world.


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Music therapy (MT), which is also known in many studies as active music therapy or passive music therapy, has shown promise in improving motor control and emotional function in patients with a wide range of patients from disabilities. From cases of schizophrenia to Parkinson’s disease, musical interventions seem to help reduce symptoms such as anxiety or depression in a natural way, stimulate creativity, improve communication between patients and their caregivers, and much more.

Music therapy experts say the sessions can help “improve overall personal well-being” without resorting to psychotropic drugs. We can expect more research into the benefits of MT when used in a variety of settings, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, therapist offices, universities, special programs, and hospices.


What is Music Therapy?


Before you dive into the benefits involved, think about your personal experiences with music. How has it influenced you in the past? Is your life improving now? Do you think you have the ability to restore and maintain good health?


In short, music therapy is essentially a healing mechanism of accredited music therapists. Through skillful use of music, people can promote, restore and sustain all aspects of their health. This includes physical, emotional, psychological, emotional and even spiritual.


By using the emotional and structural qualities of music, patients can benefit from better communication, personal development, learning, self-awareness, and interaction. As mentioned earlier, the experts are using it within the Alzheimer’s community with incredible results. This is shown by the moving documentary “Alive Inside”. See the trailer below – I’m warning you now, you might need a handkerchief or two.


Music Therapy and the Brain:


Music therapy can be used for a wide range of diseases, including pain, autism, mood disorders, and more. Because this therapy is non-invasive, it is often very effective. It can even reduce the dependence on medicines.

When we listen to music, incredible things happen in our brains and in other body structures. Because these effects are measurable and identifiable, music can be used for a variety of therapeutic applications. When listening to music, an MRI can detect which parts of the brain are active.


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Benefits of Music Therapy:


  • It helps in improving symptoms of autism.


  • Improves symptoms of depression.


  • It enhances fetal development.


  • Improves pain management.


  • Music therapy supports positive heart health.


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