5 Most Common Ways to Get Vitamin K

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Vitamin k essential for blood clotting and prevent excessive bleeding. It is not typically used as a dietary supplement like other vitamins. It is a group of compounds and the most important elements of this group are vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. So, let’s explore the ways to get vitamin K to prevent its deficiency.


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Know The Best Ways to Get Vitamin K


Eat More Leafy Greens To Get vitamin K


Every mom uses to say that eat more green veggies, she was right these are one of the best ways to get vitamin K. All green leafy vegetables like spinach, turnip green, and mustard leaves, are at the top of the charts when it comes to vitamin K. Spinach is a powerhouse of vitamin K. So consume it either raw spinach in a salad or smoothie or cooked choice is all yours.


Try Other Veggies Too To Get Vitamin K


Apart from the green vegetables, some other vegetables are also the best source of dietary vitamin K. It means you don’t need to stick only on green leafy vegetables for vitamin K. Roasted Brussels sprouts and broccoli okra, raw watercress, and green cabbage are also one of the best ways to get vitamin K.


Have An Apple to Get a Good Amount Of Vitamin K


Well, fruits are not a good source of vitamin K, but certain ones can give you a quick burst of it. Like avocado, blueberries, prunes, and apple can give a good amount of vitamin K.


Go For Nuts And Get Vitamin K


As we all know nuts are good for health, they’re packed with fiber, protein, healthy oils, and other key nutrients that keep your heart strong. Additionally, mixed nuts, cashews, and pine nuts help you to provide a good amount of vitamin K. So, eat a handful of nuts to fulfill your need for vitamin K and other nutrients.


Put Fish On The Menu Increase The Intake of Vitamin K


According to the American Heart Association, eating fish like salmon, at least twice a week is also one of the ways to get vitamin K. As we all know that fish is loaded with healthy oils, protein, and minerals that lower blood pressure and help ward off heart attacks and strokes.


Soybeans As A Source of Vitamin K


There are two main kinds of vitamin K, which are known as vitamin K-1 and K-2. K-1 comes from plants, while K-2 exists is smaller amounts in animal-based foods and fermented foods, like cheese. Soybeans and soybean oil contain a good amount of vitamin K-2 kind as well.


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Recommended Quantity of Vitamin K


The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin K reflects how much an individual may consume vitamin K daily.

Considering many factors like age, gender, and physical status RDA for vitamin K should be considered as a goal for individuals.




0 to 6 months: 2.0 micrograms per day (mcg/day)
7 to 12 months: 2.5 mcg/day




1 to 3 years: 30 mcg/day
4 to 8 years: 55 mcg/day
9 to 13 years: 60 mcg/day
Adolescents and adults


Males and females age 14 to 18: 75 mcg/day

Males and females age 19 and older: 90 mcg/day for females and 120 mcg/day for males.




As we all know that vitamin K is essential for blood clotting, so one should consume the recommended amount of vitamin K daily basis. Here we have shared the best ways to get vitamin K for every individual to fulfill the need to vitamin K in their body.


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