7 Ways To Be Healthier During Delhi Rains!

Vaibhav Saxena

, Health A2Z

The people of Delhi faced an expected u-turn in the weather from Sunday to Tuesday. Today’s weather turned into havoc when the slight rains mixed up with hailstorm and pounded over the whole northern region along with Delhi/NCR. The northern residents didn’t expect such unwelcoming weather which has caused concern of health in an immensity.


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7 Ways To Be Healthier During Delhi Rains

These Delhi rains during the chilling winters sure can cause major health issues such as cold, fever, weakness, headache and lot more. So, here are the best ways according to today’s weather to be healthier. By following these remedies one can easily tackle the health hazards which comes along with unexpected rain.



1. Healthy Diet:


Today’s weather of Delhi/NCR must have influenced many people to bunk school, college or office to sit back at home and wait for the weather to improve. Such a practice leads to attraction towards unhealthy fried foods, which is an entirely wrong habit. During such people must maintain a good diet to avoid stomach problems and infection. Try eating fruits and salads to avoid any hassle.



2. Avoid Getting Wet:


Majority of people loves wandering in the rain and enjoying the pouring water, and people who don’t love gets accidentally trenched under the rain. Whereas, GoMedii health experts suggest avoiding getting wet under Delhi Rains to be healthier and immune from contagious diseases.



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3. Keep Sipping Water:


Try not compensating water with any other alcoholic or caffeinated drink which turns out to be savory during Today’s weather. Most of the beverages are rich with preservatives and added sugar which can cause problems of dehydration, fever and stomach infection. Water acts best during such weather, moreover, people should go for herbal tea rather than caffeinated drinks.



4. Stay Away from Damp Environment:


Damp walls are home to fungus growth and an absolute no-no if you suffer from asthma or any other breathing problems.



5. Bathe Twice A Day:


A shower as soon as you reach home in the evening will insulate you against infections caused by the build-up of sweat and dirt due to humidity. Take Vitamin C to boost your immunity, foods such as oranges, lemons, guavas, and pepper are a great source of Vitamin C.



6. Don’t Touch Your Eyes:


The Delhi Rains have caused a massive humidity in the region which can lead to infection and invitations to the bacteria or other harmful microbes to the surroundings. Our hand touches many surrounding which leads to the transmission of those microbes and touching the eyes can lead to severe infection or illness.



7. Use Mosquito Repellent:


Today’s Weather has definitely caused clogging and accumulation of the water in certain areas. Delhi Rains can be threatful as the accumulation of water leads to breeding of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are the vendor of many diseases such as malaria, dengue and more. So use mosquito repellent to remain safe and secure.






Delhi Rains has been extremely astonishing and troublesome for millions of residents, stated by today’s weather reports. It is very important to remain disease free during such susceptible times by following the right guidance and health tips.


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