14 Indian Cities On Top 20 List Of Most Polluted Cities In The World

Saran Gill

, News

According to the latest air pollution database published by the World Health Organization on Tuesday, 14 out of 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India: WHO.

The Indian capital, New Delhi, drowned in increased emissions from cars and construction dust, has been voted the world’s most polluted metropolis.

WHO data also indicate that nine out of ten people in the world breathe high-pollutant air.


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List Of Cities


In 2016, 14 Indian cities that were on the list of the 20 most polluted cities in the world in terms of levels of PM 2.5, according to data released by the WHO.

When the health organization investigated the data for smaller and more deadly PM 2.5 particles, 14 of the 15 most polluted cities were in India and the industrial city of Kanpur was the most polluted, followed by Faridabad and Varanasi.

Other Indian cities that recorded very high PM2.5 pollutants were Delhi, Gaya, Patna, Agra, Muzaffarpur, Srinagar Gurgaon, Jaipur, Jodhpur and Patiala, followed by Ali Subah Al-Salem in Kuwait and some cities in China.

Average annual PM2.5 values in these 14 cities ranged between 98 and 173 micrograms per cubic meter, while PM10 concentrations were between 180 and 319 micrograms per cubic meter.

WHO guidelines require an annual average of PM10 not exceeding 20 micrograms per cubic meter.


Most Polluted Cities In The World

List Of Polluted Cities In India


Main Cause of Pollution In India, According To Report


The World Health Organization has asked member states of the Southeast Asia region to aggressively address the double burden of domestic and environmental pollution, to say, to address the region, with India being responsible for 34 PC and 2.4 million of the seven million premature deaths caused by indoor air pollution from unhealthy kitchens and household pollution.

The main sources of particulate matter are coal-fired power plants, industrial emissions, agriculture and transport, and domestic fuel emissions. Dust, deforestation and waste incineration are other sources.


How Pollution Is Affecting Everyone



Most Polluted Cities In The World

PM 10 Level


WHO said that air pollution affects about 24 percent of adults’ deaths from heart disease, 25 percent of strokes, 43 percent of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 29 percent of lung cancer cases.

The WHO estimates that pollution kills 7 million people every year, almost all in Asian and African countries. About a quarter of the deaths from heart disease, strokes, and lung cancer are due to air pollution.

In New Delhi, the concentrations of the most dangerous particles in the air are sometimes ten times higher than the safety threshold, according to the study. Activists say that very little has been done to stop the practice, even though Delhi has been exposed to severe pollution for several years.

Last November, the intolerable smog in Delhi forced the government to declare an emergency, advising the public to stay indoors and close schools. According to the experts, Fog is a “deadly mix of vehicle pollution, road and dust and burnt straw”.



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How India Is Taking Action Against Pollution


Although data have shown that air pollution is dangerously high in most parts of the world, WHO said that countries appear to be taking measures to improve air quality.

WHO quoted Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana of India as providing free LNG compounds to 37 million women living below the poverty line to reduce their exposure to firewood emissions.

India’s goals will reach 80 million households by 2020.

“By purifying the air we can help to prevent non-communicable diseases from breathing, especially in women and especially vulnerable groups such as children, who are already sick and the elderly, these are,” Singh said.

In January of this year, the Supreme Court called on the central government to investigate the problem of air pollution at the national level and not confine it to Delhi-NCR, since many cities like Raipur, Patna, and Allahabad are polluting.


Most Polluted Cities In The World

Polluted cities in India

Why Pollution Is Not Under Control Even After The Action Plan


India’s ministry of the environment released a draft action plan to improve urban air quality across the country earlier this month, but environmentalists said the plan lacked quantified air quality targets.

“It is imperative that the Clean Air National Action Plan should have clear objectives and milestones,” said Sunil Dahiya, activist of Greenpeace India.

All countries in the region are working to increase fuel availability and clean technology, but more than 60% of the population has no clean fuel. According to Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for Southeast Asia, the combined effects of indoor air pollution and ambient air are becoming increasingly difficult to treat. They are not treated quickly.

“Almost 3 billion people which is more than 40% of the world’s population – still have no access to clean cooking technologies and fuels in their homes.

The main sources of air pollution are the inefficient use of energy by industry, households, agriculture, power plants, oil refineries, industrial facilities, and factories. Other natural sources – such as wind-blown dust, wildfires.



Opinions On Pollution Control


“Air pollution threatens us all, but the poorest and most marginalized are the hardest hit, and it is unacceptable that more than 3,000 million people, especially women and children, continue to breathe the deadly fumes of daily cooking stoves and polluting fuels in their homes.” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General.

“Air pollution needs to be controlled through urgent and effective measures, noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death in the world and in the region, and air pollution contributes significantly to noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular, respiratory and lung diseases.”, he added.

Recalling that India should follow China’s anti-pollution measures, the UN agency said: “At government level (in China) there is a big step in declaring war on the planet atmospheric.” Chinese cities like Xingtai and Shijiazhuang and the Saudi refining center in Jubail were also heavily contaminated, but the data for these sites were between 4 and 5 years old, said WHO health officer Maria Neira.

“Air pollution knows no boundaries, and improving air quality requires sustained and coordinated action by governments at all levels,” WHO said.



Action Taken By SC On WHO Report


While the center expresses the inability to equate diesel prices with petrol to keep people from using polluting fuel, the Supreme Court on Tuesday called on automakers to produce electric vehicles to address the threat of air pollution.

A bank of judges Madan B Lokur and U Deepak Gupta said that many international companies are producing efficient battery-powered vehicles and that Indian automakers should also strive to achieve that goal, and move on to the production of electric vehicles.

“All kinds of electric cars are being manufactured in other countries but you are saying it is not possible in the country. You are perhaps not ready to invest money in manufacturing battery-operated vehicles. Ask your client to switch over to manufacturing battery-run vehicles. If other companies can manufacture in foreign countries then you can also do it here” told the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), an organization that brings together automotive companies.

SIAM had already told the Supreme Court that it was not possible to produce electric vehicles in India due to a lack of infrastructure. He said that there are not enough charging stations on the roads to charge the batteries of electric vehicles to ensure their continuous operation.



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