New Vaccine Launched; Wide Protection Against Influenza

Anju Bisht

, News

“Hard work pays off”- the idiom completely praises the work of Abbott. They recently launched (February 24, 2020 ) a new inactivated quadrivalent vaccine for influenza. In India, the vaccine is a groundbreaking sub-unit vaccine offering protection against four virus strains. The only 0.5 ml quadrivalent flu vaccine which approved of use in children below 3 years, in India.


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The product is globally approved as the vaccine offers wide protection by immunizing against four different flu virus strains. Thus named quadrivalent or tetravalent vaccine. This contains a second B-strain of influenza virus, concerning to one included in trivalent vaccines.


A vaccine recommendation can be intricate for the health authorities. The reason being a mismatch in the vaccine strain and the circulating viral strain. So, an additional B-strain in quadrivalent vaccines can help broaden protection.


According to the recent study, with comparable safety, the quadrivalent vaccines show superior immunogenicity or immune response compared with the alternate- lineage B-strains in trivalent vaccines.


The quadrivalent sub-unit flu vaccine is the 3rd generation, in India. Where a sub-unit vaccine stands for the most advanced flu vaccine. As it undergoes an additional step of purification as compared to split vaccines. Thus it is more refined and has lesser said-effects.


In clinical studies conducted globally across high-risk groups including children, the elderly, pregnant women, asthmatics and diabetics, sub-unit vaccines have shown better tolerability and a favorable safety profile compared to other flu vaccine types.


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