How Much Is The Cost Of Bone Marrow Transplant In CMC Vellore?

Zaid Siddiqui

, Treatments

India, the land of culture and widely known for its traditional methods, India has a wide range of treatments along with effective and cutting-edge techniques. In the recent years, Indian healthcare system has gained popularity for their high success rate and impeccible record in treating bone marrow transplants. According to experts, the success rate of bone marrow transplants for cancer treatments in India is around 70–80%.


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In this article, we will learn about the cost of bone marrow transplant in CMC Vellore.



CMC Vellore is India’s one of the most prominent healthcare facility in Tamil Nadu. The Christian community primarily runs this voluntary and non-profit organization. This hospital comprises a highly advanced primary, secondary, and tertiary care network. The hospital was founded in 1900 by Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder, the daughter of second-generation medical missionaries from the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States of America (US) who served in India.


With decades of medical expertise, this hospital has served humanity with its excellent medical advancements and effective treatment methods. CMC Vellore has a dedicated medical staff that solely focuses on patient care and early treatment access.




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What Is Bone Marrow Transplant?


The procedure in which a defective blood cell is replaced by a healthy, blood-forming blood cell in the body is called a bone marrow transplant or stem cell therapy. A bone marrow transplant is similar to a blood transfusion, which doesn’t require any major surgery.


Typically, in this procedure, the bone marrow cells are collected from the donor’s pelvic bone with the help of a needle. Sometimes, bone marrow is also obtained from the bloodstream. This process is also known as stem cell transplantation. This process is suggested when your bone marrow stops producing enough blood cells, and you might need this treatment.


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Why Do We Need Bone Marrow Transplants?


A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that doesn’t require a surgical approach. This procedure is widely undertaken to:


  • Replace defective, unhealthy bone marrow with healthy stem cells


  • This helps in providing new stem cells that kill cancer cells directly.


  • Replace or save the bone marrow that has been harmed by the treatment to permit treatment with high doses of chemotherapy or radiation safely.


  • It helps to regenerate a new immune system that fights existing or residual leukemia or other cancers not killed by chemotherapy or radiation.


Various cancerous and non-cancerous diseases may benefit from a bone marrow transplant, including:



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Bone Marrow Transplant In CMC Vellore


CMC Vellore is a national leader in treating rare blood disorders and bone marrow transplantation and is one of India’s most iconic healthcare facilities for medical tourists. The hematology department covers the entire spectrum of blood diseases. One of the most prominent features of this hospital is that it performs treatment for acute lymphatic leukemia with German BFM protocols, which significantly increase the long-term rate of survival by 70% in children.


The Department Of Hematology at CMC Vellore has a great history of bone marrow transplants. Since the BMT program’s establishment, this hospital has performed 165 transplants in 11 years. This hospital is performing 60 allogenic bone marrow transplants in a year with a three-bed positive pressure HEPA-filtered transplant unit. This hospital has undergone 60 transplants for thalassemia, with a success rate of 75% so far.


Salient features of the hematology department at CMC Vellore:


  • Blood cancer (leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma)




  • Bone marrow failure syndromes or aplastic anemia


  • Immunodeficiency (Wiskott-Aldrich, CVID, SCID)


  • Platelet disorder (ITP, ET)


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What Are The Different Types Of BMT Treatments Offered By CMC Vellore?


CMC Vellore is a large multi-specialty hospital that offers comprehensive care services for patients with blood disorders. The Department of Hematology at CMC is an Advanced Center of the Indian Council of Medical Research for Bone Marrow Transplantation in various blood diseases. They also perform bone marrow transplants for patients with acute leukemia, aplastic anemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, and myelodysplasia.


Types of BMT treatment offered by CMC Vellore are:


  • Allogeneic stem cell transplants



  • Haploidentical stem cell transplants


What Are The Areas Of Interest In The Hematology Department At CMC Vellore?


  • CMC Vellore is working on a project for the pharmacokinetics of the Busulphan chemotherapy drug in patients with thalassemia.


  • The department is developing DNA fingerprinting methods to evaluate chimerism after bone marrow transplantation.


  • Evaluation of genetic interactions that lead to thalassemia intermedia


  •  Clinical and genetic evaluation of Glanzman’s thrombasthenia


  • Genetics of hemophilia in India


  •  Genetics of thrombophilia in India


How Much Cost Of Bone Marrow Transplant In CMC Vellore?


The cost of a bone marrow transplant at CMC Vellore ranges from USD 25000 – USD 30000 (INR 10,00,000 – INR 15,00,000), depending on the condition of the patient and the type of disease for which you are seeking a bone marrow transplant.



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FAQs Related To The Cost Of Bone Marrow Transplant In CMC Vellore


Q: Who is the best donor for a bone marrow transplant?

A: Your siblings are the best donors for a bone marrow transplant due to high level of similarity in the genetic design. Second to siblings are your parents.



Q: Is a bone marrow transplant 100% successful?

A: The success rate is high in the case of related donors, about 70% to 90%, whereas in the case of non-related donors, the success rate is about 36% to 65%.



Q: Can I live without a bone marrow transplant?

A: Bone marrow transplant is the only cure available in the market to several deadly diseases. A person suffering from last-stage blood-related cancer won’t be able to survive for long without a bone marrow transplant. So, no, you won’t be able to live a long life without a bone marrow transplant.



Q: Can bone marrow grow back?

A: Your bone marrow will return to normal within a few weeks, but it depends on your recovery. However, full recovery after a bone marrow trasnplant takes about a year.



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Choose GoMedii For The Best And Most Affordable Bone Marrow Transplant In India


If you want to have the best and most affordable bone marrow trasnplant cost in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our Website or at +91 9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


Feel free to drop your queries through this form. Our team of experts will contact you!



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