Esophageal Cancer Treatment In India

When Neo from Botswana learned that he had esophageal cancer, he was heartbroken, feeling like he had reached a dead end. While he was receiving treatment in his home country, an acquaintance shared their experience of getting treatment in India.


After listening to this acquaintance, he researched and learned about GoMedii. Without any delay, he took a leap of faith and contacted GoMedii. In no time, he obtained his visa, had online consultations, and successfully underwent treatment. Today, Neo is healthy and pursuing his dreams!


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What Is Esophageal Cancer?


Esophageal cancer is the cancer of the esophagus – a long, hollow tube that runs from your throat to your stomach. Your esophagus helps move the food you swallow from the back of your throat to the stomach for digestion. It generally starts in the cells of the inner lining of your esophagus.


Esophageal cancer is dangerous as the tumour caused by it doesn’t show noticeable symptoms until cancer has spread to other parts. Early detection and treatment can treat esophageal cancer with high success rates.


What Are The Types Of Esophageal Cancer?


Depending on the originating cell, there are mainly two types of esophageal cancer. The types are:


  • Adenocarcinoma: The cancer develops in the cells that make mucus that helps you swallow. It mainly affects the lower part of your food pipe.


  • Squamous cell carcinoma: This cancer begins in the squamous cells that line the food pipe. It usually affects the upper and middle parts of your esophagus.


What Are The Causes Of Esophageal Cancer?


The exact cause of esophageal cancer remains unclear to scientists. However, they have identified that DNA changes play a role in developing this type of cancer. Nevertheless, the factors leading to these DNA changes remain unknown. Oncologists are actively studying various cancer cases to understand the underlying causes better.


Esophageal Cancer Symptoms


Esophageal cancer is aggressive but doesn’t show symptoms until after the cancer has spread. This is because your esophagus can expand to accommodate larger objects, such as large bites of food. However, as the tumour grows, it obstructs the opening of the esophagus. This can lead to difficulties in swallowing or experiencing discomfort while swallowing.


The symptoms of esophageal cancer are:


  • Pain in your throat or back, behind your breastbone or between your shoulder blades.


  • Vomiting or coughing up blood.


  • Heartburn.


  • Hoarseness or chronic cough.


  • Unintentional weight loss.


What Are The Risk Factors Of Esophageal Cancer?


Although the exact cause of esophageal cancer is unknown, researchers have identified some risk factors that can increase your chances of developing esophageal cancer. These risk factors are:


  • Smoking or using smokeless tobacco


  • Heavy use of alcohol


  • Having obesity or being overweight


  • Tissue changes in your vocal cords or mouth due to HPV infection


  • Barrett’s esophagus and chronic acid reflux (changes in the cells at the lower end of the food pipe due to chronic acid reflux)


  • History of cancer of the neck or head


  • Exposure to chemicals


  • Inherited disorders like achalasia or tylosis


Diagnosis Of Esophageal Cancer


The diagnosis of esophageal cancer starts with your medical history. Your healthcare provider will ask for your medical history and the symptoms you have been having. Post this process, your doctor will advise you on some diagnostic tests, such as:


  • Barium swallow: Your healthcare provider will ask you to drink a liquid with barium to make it easier for them to see your food pipe on the X-ray.


  • CT scan: Computed tomography scan aids your healthcare provider in determining if tumours have spread to your chest and abdomen (belly).


  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD): The doctors use a thick, long wire called an endoscope to look for any abnormalities in your food pipe.


  • Esophageal endoscopic ultrasound: The test uses sound waves to create images of the inside of your esophagus.


  • Biopsy: During the endoscopy, your healthcare provider may remove a small piece of esophageal tissue to look for cancer cells.


Esophageal Cancer Treatment In India


Esophageal Cancer Treatment In India depends on the severity of the symptoms and cancer stage. The available treatments are:


Surgical Methods


  • Esophagectomy: The surgeon removes a part of your esophagus and the surrounding tissues. They then create a new food pipe by pulling up a part of your stomach into your chest and combining it with the remaining esophagus.


  • Endoscopic submucosal dissection: This is done to treat very early-stage esophageal cancer.


  • Endoscopic mucosal resection: Surgeons use this procedure to remove tumours in the mucous lining of your esophagus.


  • Esophagogastrectomy: The surgeon removes part of your esophagus, nearby lymph nodes and a larger part of your stomach. The rest of your stomach is pulled up and reattached to your esophagus.


Adjuvant Therapies:


  • Chemotherapy: A treatment that uses drugs to destroy or slow down the growth of cancer cells. It is commonly used as an oral or intravenous therapy, circling throughout the body to reach cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be combined with other treatments to treat esophageal cancer.


  • Targeted Therapy: Some drugs can target certain cancers to curtail their spread. In targeted therapy, the drugs only target the cells carrying abnormal amounts of HER2 proteins, leaving the normal ones.


  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy beams, such as X-rays or protons, to kill cancer cells.


  • Immunotherapy: The treatment involves strengthening the immune system to fight off the cancer cells. Immunotherapy fuels your body’s production of cancer-fighting cells or helps healthy cells identify and attack cancer cells.


  • Photodynamic therapy: Photodynamic therapy uses chemicals known as photosensitizers to eliminate tumours. These medications are activated by light, causing a chemical reaction that kills cancer.


  • Endoscopic laser therapy: This procedure uses laser light delivered through an endoscope to treat esophageal cancer.


Esophageal Cancer Treatment Cost In India


The cost of esophageal cancer treatment in India depends on the treatment plan devised by the oncologist. So, depending upon that and the hospital chosen, the esophageal cancer treatment cost in India is between $3000-$4500.


Esophageal Cancer Treatment Hospitals In India


Explore India’s leading hospitals recognized for their specialized treatment of esophageal cancer. Uncover the state-of-the-art medical amenities and advanced therapies available to ensure optimal patient care. GoMedii has curated a comprehensive list of top hospitals for esophageal cancer treatment in India, offering cost-effective and seamless healthcare solutions.


The Hospitals are:


  1. Aster Medicity, Kochi
  2. Kauvery Hospital, Alwarpet, Chennai
  3. Max Hospital, Gurugram
  4. Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram
  5. Fortis Hospital, NOIDA
  6. Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, Delhi
  7. Sharda Hospitals, Greater NOIDA
  8. MGM Healthcare, Chennai
  9. Apollo Proton Cancer Center, Chennai
  10. Jaypee Hospitals, NOIDA


FAQs On Esophageal Cancer Treatment In India


What are the three signs of esophageal cancer?


The first three signs of esophageal cancer are:


  • Difficulty in swallowing.


  • Persistent indigestion or heartburn.


  • Pain or discomfort in your upper tummy, chest or back.


What is the cost of esophageal cancer treatment in India?


The esophageal cancer treatment in India ranges between $3000-$4500.


What is the survival rate of esophageal cancer?


The general five-year survival rate for esophageal cancer is around 20%. However, it can range between 5% to 47%. The five-year survival rate is more significant when esophageal cancer is detected early and the tumour is small.


Choose GoMedii For The Best Esophageal Cancer Treatment In India


If you are looking for affordable Esophageal Cancer Treatment In India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our Website and call us at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


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