What are the ways of Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis?

Anju Bisht

, Health A2Z


We have been discussing Diabetes Insipidus, week in and week out, with a different concern every time. Today we came up with Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis. Before we proceed with understanding the diagnosis procedures, let me brief the conditions for the newbies.


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Well, bear with me, Insipidus came from the Latin language which means tasteless. The condition is a rare disorder of kidney where it passes an unusually large amount of urine. Eventually, leading to extreme thirstiness. Diabetes Insipidus is a far cry from diabetes mellitus. In Insipidus, the blood glucose level is normal, but kidneys are not able to balance fluid in the body.


 Ways for Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis


All the diagnostic procedures are conducted by the healthcare professional. For your concern according to NIDDK, a person with diabetes insipidus can be diagnosed on the based of the following examination:


1. Medical and family history


Reviewing symptoms and looking for the patient’s family having a history of diabetes insipidus or its symptoms are the commonly asked questions by the professional health providers. As this can help in diabetes insipidus diagnosis.


2. Physical examination


In a physical examination, the doctor will look for the sign of dehydration and will examine the patient’s skin and appearance. A physical examination helps in diagnosing diabetes insipidus.


3. Urinalysis for Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis


It tests the urine sample that is collected by the patient. The further lab test will analyze the various things, such as dilute or concentrated urine and the presence of glucose to distinguish diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus. Besides, the doctor might ask for collecting urine for 24 hours in a special container to measure the amount of urine produced by the kidneys.


4. Blood Tests


The testing of blood involves drawing blood of the patient’s concern and sending the sample for testing. The blood test will identify the level of sodium for diagnosing diabetes insipidus or its type.


5. Fluid Deprivation Test


Fluid Deprivation Test restricts the fluid intake. The test notes the changes in the patient’s body weight and urine concentration for Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis. This test is of 2 types:


  • Short form of the deprivation test:


In this type, the doctor will instruct to stop drinking all liquid for a while, especially during dinner. The patient will collect the urine sample the next day and will send it for testing. Then, the lab will measure the concentration of the urine sample.


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  • Formal fluid deprivation test:


This test is conducted in the hospital for continuous monitoring of the signs of dehydration in the patient. The patient does not require anesthesia, however, the weigh and urine sample are analyzed. This testing and measuring of the patient’s blood pressure every 1 to 2 hours are conducted repeatedly until one of the following happens:


1. The blood pressure drops too low or noted a rapid heartbeat when standing.

2. Loses of 5 percent or more initial body weight.

3. A slight increment in the urine concentration in 2 to 3consecutive measurements.


The healthcare provider will compare the blood sodium, vasopressin levels, and urine concentration at the end of the test for Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis. Sometimes, the doctor might try other alternatives for the diagnosis.


6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


MRI test takes pictures of internal organs and soft tissues without using X-rays. MPI is not for diabetes insipidus diagnosis, but it can show if the patient has problems with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland or if diabetes insipidus, probably the cause of the symptoms.


Conclusively, we have discussed all the possible diagnostic techniques in the above blog that a healthcare provider may possibly conduct. For more details regarding the topic, we have previously discussed every aspect of Diabetes Insipidus in detail.


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