Know The Symptoms of Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Recently the world is dealing with so many unknown and rare medical cases. One added in the list is Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus. Though there is the term “diabetes” added in the condition, let us see if there is anything related to it. With this, we will also see the symptoms that are related and what characterizes Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus.


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Is Diabetes and Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus same?


Diabetes and Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus is not the same. It, however, does not mean that they are not related. Diabetes is an umbrella term that actually has so many things under it. Hence even DDI is among that.


What is Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus?


The National Institute of Health describes the condition as ” Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus is a syndrome of disordered thirst, in patients without the psychiatric disease, which may be confused with partial central diabetes insipidus. Distinguishing these entities involves monitored water testing. Therapy with antidiuretic hormone in patients with dipsogenic diabetes insipidus is thought to be contraindicated for fear of inducing water intoxication.”


As per the report and research, the DDI is more related to your mind. It is more of a syndrome than a disease.


Characterize Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus


As per the Dipsogenic Diabetes, there are some common and some very specific characters that are involved.


1) Change in hormone production


You are definitely going to go through some kind of hormonal changes when you suffer from the condition. Along with that, the production of these hormones is also affected.


2) Illness and Tumour


This might sound weird but it is true. One of the characteristics of Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus is the chances of cause can be medical procedures. It can further lead to many more problems. An illness, tumor, or surgical procedure can cause central diabetes insipidus, while a defect in the kidney tubules can cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.


3) Fluids in excess can damage the Kidney


Yes, it is true. Too much liquid and fluid in the body will lead to damaging the kidneys. When this occurs, it suppresses ADH and stops the body from being able to concentrate the urine.


4) Mental Illness and Hypthalamus can be damaged


Many cases of dipsogenic diabetes insipidus are linked to the formation of mental illness. It is also known to occur when the thirst-regulating mechanism in the hypothalamus becomes damaged for some reason. Individuals who push fluids for an extended period of time can also cause this issue to occur.


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Does Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus have Symptoms?


There are some common and specific symptoms that are discussed below, if you think you are suffering from any, you must see a doctor.


1) Thirst and diluted urine


Excessive thirst is the main symptom of the condition. You also feel that the urine is more diluted. It is not good if the frequency is too much.


2) Too much water retention


The water retention is higher in those suffering from this condition. Dehydration is not a concern while the symptoms of the disorder are present. This is because dipsogenic diabetes insipidus causes the body to retain too much water.


3) Lethargy or fatigue


You will feel extremely lethargic and high fatigue. At the same time, you might also have complained of muscle cramps.


4) Loss of appetite


While in diabetes there is no such sign, however, in Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus, you feel the loss of appetite. Not feeling hungry throughout the day, muscle cramps, and moments of confusion are some common symptoms.


5) Vomiting and Fever


High chances of vomiting and fever are related to the symptoms of Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus. This is very prominently seen in the kids.


Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus diagnosis is similar to Diabetes Insipidus. This includes a water deprivation test under close medical supervision, urinalysis, or an MRI of the head to look for potential abnormalities that may be present. You can connect with us through our website.



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