5 Simple Ways To Prevent The New Coronavirus

Anju Bisht

, Health A2Z


There is up-daily news related to the new coronavirus outbreak, which has lead to a global health emergency. “Prevent first” the phrase can’t be any truer looking at the world racing around to prevent the pandemic.


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Subsequently, we will be discussing ways to prevent the new coronavirus. The death toll from the coronavirus has risen to more than 100 and infected persons to 4577.  The virus is causing a great horror around the world as much about it is still unknown.


The coronavirus is a type of zoonosis, which can transmit from animals to humans. The virus that appeared in Wuhan City is a never-seen-before type. The symptoms involving are fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In worst cases can manifest complications, such as pneumonia.


Ways to prevent the new coronavirus


The new coronavirus that started in China has now spread to countries. The spreading ability of the virus seems to be getting stronger. The below-mentioned ways can help you to prevent the coronavirus.


1. Put on a mask


Prevent the new coronavirus


When heading outdoors make sure to wear a mask. Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from infections. When having cold and flu-like symptoms, a mask will prevent it from spreading.


Mask wearing instructions to prevent the new coronavirus:


Keep in mind the following instructions before heading out. Make sure the following while wearing a mask;


  • Tightened the nose clip


  • Pull the bottom over the chin


This will keep both your nose and mouth properly covered.


2. No surgical Mask


Prevent the new coronavirus


It is recommended not to wear a surgical mask. The surgical mask used by medical workers is not recommended to common people as it can lead to breathing difficulties if worn for too long. To prevent the new coronavirus use a proper mask, such as N95 respirator.


3. Cover while sneezing or coughing


Prevent the new coronavirus


Covering mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing are basic etiquettes that everybody is familiar with. Keep in mind to use tissues while sneezing or coughing. You can use your sleeves as a cover but avoid direct hands cover.


4. Boost the immune system and exercise regularly


Prevent the new coronavirus


Choosing a healthy lifestyle is a way to prevent the new coronavirus. The healthy lifestyle tips include eating a diet high in fruits, maintaining a healthy weight, don’t smoke, and exercise regularly.

Regular exercise is the best way to help you stay away from catching infections.


5. Timely handwash


Prevent the new coronavirus


We have been learning such things since childhood. You sure have to wash your hands frequently with soap and running water at least for 15 seconds. Besides, wash your hands before eating, after using toilets, returning home, and after touching trash. Additionally, wash your hands after contacting with animals and handling their waste.


6. Other ways to prevent the new coronavirus:


Prevent the new coronavirus



1. Avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of cold and flu.

2. Get prompt medical help if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection. India has now set up a 24*7 helpline (011-23978046) to resolve your queries related to novel coronavirus.

3. Avoid crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations, and airports. If necessary don’t forget to wear a mask.

4. Eat well-cooked meat and eggs. Avoid contact with livestock and animals without protection




At the very least, you must follow these preventive measures to prevent the new coronavirus. We will continue to update you on the latest things for that stay connected, till then stay healthy and stay safe. For the treatment of the related condition, you can call us or can connect us on WhatsApp +91 9654030724


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