Balanced Diet For Chronic Disease : To Keep Cholesterol & Blood Pressure Levels Under Control

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z



First of all, we should understand what is Chronic disease? Well, it is a condition you can control with treatment for months. Common examples of chronic disease are Heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Usually, these diseases don’t have a cure, but you can live with them and manage their symptoms. To manage these chronic diseases balanced diet plays an important role. So, in this blog, we are exploring the connection between the balanced diet for chronic diseases.


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Know About Chronic Diseases


Chronic diseases are long-­lasting and non-communicable which includes diabetes and heart disease, cancer. Nowadays a very big number of people are dealing with the chronic medical condition, either it can be high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease. Obesity and overweight is a risk factor for many Diabetes, stroke, cancer, heart disease



Heart Disease


Heart disease is one of the main cause of death in India. Heart diseases are also called coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Preventive measures such as good nutrition, weight management and plenty of activity can help to manage heart disease. The common risk factors of heart disease are a high level of bad cholesterol, low level of good cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, family history, smoking, men over 45, post-­menopausal women, obesity.


Balanced Diet for Chronic Disease:


Here, we are discussing the importance of a balanced diet for chronic diseases, especially for heart disease and diabetes.


Nutrition and Heart Disease


1. Don’t smoke


2. Maintain a healthy weight


3. Engage in regular physical activity


4. Eat a healthy diet


5. Manage blood pressure


6. Take charge of cholesterol


7. Keep blood sugar (glucose) at healthy levels


Balanced Diet for Heart Health




  • Drink 2-3 liter water on a daily basis


  • High in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, low in calories


  • Fish (preferably oily) at least 2 3.5-‐oz servings a week


  • Omega-‐3 fatty acids (salmon, trout, herring) have help lower risk of death from coronary artery disease


  • Fiber-‐rich whole grains at last 3 1-‐oz servings per week


  • Help weight loss (feel more full) and can help lower cholesterol


  • Avoid Saturated fat


  • Take low sodium diet





Diabetes affects approximately more than 62 million Indians. In diabetes, the body has a shortage of insulin or the decreased ability to use insulin. So, in a diabetic person’s there is less amount of insulin and to control it, he/she has to intake insulin either in the form of an injection or medicine. There are four types of diabetes



  • Type 1-­need insulin to survive, typically younger,


  • Type 2-­most cases of diabetes


  • Gestational-­occurs during pregnancy


  • Prediabetes



Nutrition and Diabetes


There are 3 main components in our food (macronutrients)



  • Protein


  • Fats


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Balanced Diet and Diabetes:


• Carbohydrates raise blood sugar


• Protein, fat, and fiber can affect how fast your blood sugar increases


• To have a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat to manage blood sugars


• To choose healthy choices like these won’t raise blood sugar as fast and also help to maintain a healthy weight



Nutrition and Diabetes Myths


Myth: There are too many rules with a diabetes diet

• You do need to plan your meals and make healthy choices. You will probably need to make changes. But these changes are the same as following a healthy diet for other reasons-­ a diet that everyone should be eating!


• Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes

• The exact causes of diabetes are not known. Simply eating too much sugar is unlikely to cause it. Diabetes happens when something disrupts your body’s ability to use insulin


• Myth: Carbohydrates are bad for diabetes

• Carbohydrates have the greatest effect on blood sugar levels, so you will need to monitor how the man you eat. But your body needs carbohydrates to get many essential nutrients.


• Myth: You have to give up desserts and sugar if you have diabetes

• You can still have deserts, but you will need to cut down amounts. You can use artificial sweeteners, or make more nutritious desserts that include fresh fruits.



• Myth: You need to eat special diabetic meals

• There is no such thing as a ‘diabetic diet’. The choices that are healthy for someone with diabetes are the same for everyone.





As we all know balanced diet plays an important role to manage your health. But, when it comes to a balanced diet for chronic diseases, it plays a vital role too. Diet is one of the major factors to manage chronic disease especially diabetes, heart disease, and chronic kidney condition.  For expert consultation, you can book an appointment.


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