Digital Healthcare of Older Adult, It Is Necessary

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Taking care of older ones is a tough job. It is not only difficult to make sure they are regular with their medicines, but also that they do not suffer from something else as well. Digital health care for older adults is a necessary thing now. It keeps you as a family member updated and puts a reminder for them as well.


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As people reach old age, the risk of developing long term diseases is higher and it sometimes might also result in disability. This ends up in compromising their ability to lead an independent life. This further weakens their immune system making them more unprotected to diseases.


Dependence on others, cut off from social life, and being neglected by family members further deteriorate their condition. In fact, chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer are predicted to be the main contributors to the major diseases in developing countries.


What help does digital health care for older adults have?


When it comes to Digital health care for older adults, there are certain benefits that they enjoy. Some of them being the following.


1. Regular reminders


When you use digital platforms like GoMedii you get regular feedback and reminders. Once, you opt for the consultations, it is their responsibility to connect you for the regular followups.


2. Online consultation


The comfort of the elderly must be kept in mind. Hence when you go for Digital health care for older adults, you get the option for online consultations. This makes sure that your time and the comfort of the elderly in traveling is saved.


3. Medicines are delivered easily


Well, what else do you want if not a platform which makes sure you do not miss buying the medicines? Well, that is also taken care of when you use Digital health care for older adults.


4. No loss of records


We are sure there are many times when you forgot where you kept the prescription. Once, however, if you are on the digital platform, everything is stored in the best ways. It is online and you access it whenever possible. GoMedia with the health wallet helps you manage this part of the healthcare too!


5. You feel independent


As an elderly, it is tiring to ask anyone else all the time to do work. Also, they might not be available. However, with Digital health care for older adults, as an elderly, you become independent!


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Points to consider while digital health care for older


Older persons make wide-ranging contributions to economic and social development. However, discrimination and social exclusion persist. We must overcome this bias in order to ensure a socially and economically active, secure, and healthy aging population. If you are over 50-60, you must take proper care of yourself. Remember the following:


1. Understand your health care needs and get your preventive check-up done on a regular basis.

2. Include a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. Eat a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

3. Being overweight can cause some serious problems, to develop a moderate exercise routine which can help you to maintain strength, balance, and flexibility. Walking, yoga and meditation can be extremely helpful.

4. Avoid smoking and alcohol because it’s injurious to your health. In older adults, smoking affects health very badly.

5. Get adequate rest and avoid straining yourself physically.

6. Engage yourself in social and cultural activities. Enjoy yourself with your family and friends.

7. Do not discontinue your prescribed medicines unless advised by the doctor.


Digital health care for older adults only makes them more healthy and manage conditions well. Hence, contact GoMedii for online consultations of your loved ones!


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