How Do I Make My Testicle Pain Go Away?

Zaid Siddiqui

, Health A2Z

Testicle pain, which generally comes under sexual problems, is being seen a lot these days. Depending on the condition, the pain can be temporary or can gradually increase to a point where it becomes unbearable. Testicles are sensitive reproductive organs that stay inside the scrotum (a thin pouch of skin under the penis). Every male posseses a pair of testicles. Sometimes, these testicles get twisted and lead to excruciating pain. This condition, also known as testicular torsion, is a severe condition that needs quick medical attention. 


These problems are on a rise due to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, with many eagerly wanting to know,


“Is it OK if my testicle pains?”


“How Do I Make My Testicle Pain Go Away?”


In this blog, we will be covering each instance of testicle pain and their preventive measures.


Understanding Testicle Pain: Causes And Solution


Testicles are among the delicate parts of the body that are responsible for producing testesterone. Sometimes sudden injury, inflammationsexually transmitted infections (STIs), or medical emergencies can lead to testicle pain. A good percentage of men have experienced this body-numbing pain atleast once in their lifetime. But because of lack of awareness, many fail to get the help they need.


Is It OK If My Testicles Pain?


No, it is not a good sign.  No matter what, if your testicle starts paining, get immediate medical help.


Usually, this pain doesn’t last long, but if you experience testicular pain for more than an hour, quickly reach out to your healthcare provider. In case of testicular torsion, emergency medical attention becomes mandatory because sometimes this condition could be life-threatening.



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What Are The Causes Of Testicle Pain?


Getting the right cause for your problem is a difficult task as they don’t show any impact in the beginning but result in massive excruciating pain; this pain can be expected in the beginning but increases in intensity. In some cases, the pain may come from another part of the body, like the stomach or groin; such pain is called referred pain. 


Some other causes include:


  • Testicular torsion
  • Epididymitis
  • Spermatocele
  • Orchitis
  • Hematocele
  • Varicocele
  • Testicular cancer
  • Hydrocele
  • Kidney stones
  • Post-vasectomy pain
  • Inguinal (groin) hernia



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How Do I Make My Testicle Pain Go Away?


1. Self-care:


In the early days of pain, some recommended home remedies can provide you relief, like:


  • Use an ice pack or cold compress on the affected area.


  • While lying down on your back, you can place a rolled-up towel under your scrotum.


  • Warm bath


  • Try nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)


Note: NSAIDs are not recommended for everyone; consult with your healthcare provider before taking such medicine.


2. Medications:


In cases where home remedies become ineffective, your healthcare provider may recommend some antibiotics, anti-infective medications, or tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) to avoid bacterial infections or viral infections.


3. Surgery:


In severe cases, you may also have to go for surgery, which includes:




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Choose GoMedii For The Best And Affordable Treatment In India


If you want the best and most affordable treatment in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of the most reputed hospitals to get you the best medical treatment in India at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail yourself of our packages, you can contact us on our website or call us at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


Contact GoMedii to get your queries resolved by our team of medical experts. You can also reach out to us to apply for a medical visa.



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