All About Coronary Artery Disease Treatment in India


, Treatments

“Coronary artery disease may knock on the door of our hearts, but with a healthy lifestyle, we can keep it locked out.”


Research and technological developments have completely changed how we approach this common cardiovascular issue in this constantly growing medical sector. The therapeutic choices for CAD have increased, giving patients worldwide fresh hope. These treatments range from minimally invasive procedures to cutting-edge surgical techniques. You can get coronary artery disease treatment in India through several methods.


To know more about the treatment, you can read the below blog.


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What is Coronary Artery Disease?


The narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries distinguishes a kind of cardiovascular disease known as coronary artery disease. These arteries deliver more oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. The accumulation of plaque, composed of calcium, fat, cholesterol, and other substances, on the inside walls of arteries, is the primary cause of atherosclerosis.


As the plaque builds up over time, blood flow to the heart may become restricted, creating several issues. Shortness of breath, exhaustion, and, in severe situations, heart attacks can all be brought on by the heart’s restricted blood flow. Chest pain or discomfort (angina) is another symptom that can occur from this.


CAD is a progressive condition that requires attention and management to prevent further narrowing of the arteries and reduce the risk of complications. Coronary artery disease can be treated and controlled with lifestyle modifications, medication, angioplasty, and bypass surgery.


Coronary Artery Disease Treatment in India, Causes of coronary artery disease, Symptoms of coronary artery disease, Diagnosis of coronary artery disease, Risk factors of coronary artery disease, CAD treatment in India, Coronary Artery disease treatment cost in India, Hospitals for Coronary Artery Disease Treatment in India

Causes of coronary artery disease


The primary cause of CAD is the buildup of fatty deposits called plaques on the inner walls of the coronary arteries. Below are some of the factors that contribute to the development of CAD.


  • Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is the underlying process that leads to plaque development. It is characterized by an accumulation of substances such as cholesterol and lipids within the arterial walls, which makes the arteries stiffen and narrow.
  • High cholesterol levels: Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, sometimes called “bad cholesterol,” causes plaques to develop.
  • Hypertension: The inner lining of the arteries may get damaged with persistently high blood pressure, rendering them more prone to plaque formation. High blood pressure also increases stress on the heart, leading to its overworking and potential damage.
  • Smoking: Smoking is a significant contributor to the development of CAD. It causes blood vessel damage, lowers blood oxygen levels, increases blood clotting, and encourages plaque formation. Secondhand smoke exposure also increases the risk.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes increases a person’s chance of CAD development. Diabetes-related high blood sugar levels can harm blood vessels and hasten the development of plaques.
  • Family history and genetics: A family history of the disease increases the likelihood of acquiring CAD. Blood clotting, cholesterol metabolism, and the makeup and operation of artery walls can all be affected by genetic factors.
  • Age and gender: Advancing age is a significant risk factor for CAD. Men are generally at higher risk than premenopausal women. However, after menopause, the risk in women increases and approaches that of men.
  • Unhealthy diet: A diet heavy in cholesterol, salt, sugar, saturated and trans fats can hasten the onset of CAD. These food choices can elevate blood pressure, inflammation, and cholesterol levels.
  • Stress and mental health: Chronic stress, depression, and social isolation are connected to a higher risk of developing CAD. These factors may indirectly affect behaviors such as unhealthy eating patterns, inactivity, and smoking, all contributing to the onset of CAD.

Symptoms of coronary artery disease


Some of the symptoms that CAD includes are:

  • Angina: The most typical CAD symptom is angina. The discomfort or pain is felt in the chest and might have several sensations, such as pressure, squeezing, fullness, or burning. The pain may also radiate to the arms, shoulders, jaw, neck, or back. Angina typically occurs during physical activity or periods of emotional stress and subsides with rest or medication.
  • Shortness of breath: Some people with CAD may experience shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion or when lying flat (orthopnea). Tightness in the chest may also accompany it.
  • Fatigue: Unexplained fatigue or a decrease in stamina may be a symptom of CAD. The heart muscle may not be receiving adequate blood supply, leading to feelings of tiredness and weakness.
  • Heart palpitations: Irregular heartbeats, skipped beats, or a sensation of the heart pounding or racing can occur in individuals with CAD. These palpitations may be related to abnormal electrical activity in the heart or underlying heart rhythm disorders.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness: Reduced blood flow to the brain due to CAD can cause faintness or a feeling of instability. This may occur during physical activity or suddenly when standing up.
  • Nausea and sweating: Some individuals with CAD may experience nausea, vomiting, or excessive sweating, particularly with chest pain or discomfort.
  • Silent ischemia: In some cases, CAD may be “silent” and not produce noticeable symptoms. This is more common in individuals with diabetes, as they may have nerve damage that blunts the sensation of chest pain.

Diagnosis of coronary artery disease


The diagnosis of coronary artery disease is frequently made by combining the evaluation of the patient’s patient’s medical history, a physical examination, and several diagnostic techniques. The following is a list of typical CAD diagnosis methods:


  • Blood tests: Check for substances that harm your arteries or increase your risk of CAD. Blood Tests are done to check the Cholestrol level and Lipid profile.
  • Cardiac catheterization: Insert tubes into your coronary arteries to evaluate or confirm CAD. This test is the gold standard for diagnosing CAD.
  • Computed tomography (CT) coronary angiogram: Uses CT scan and contrast dye to view 3D pictures of your heart as it moves; detects blockages in your coronary arteries.
  • Coronary calcium scan: Measures the amount of calcium in the walls of your coronary arteries (a sign of atherosclerosis). This doesn’t determine if you have significant blockages, but it does help determine your risk for CAD.
  • Echocardiogram (echo): Uses sound waves to evaluate your heart’s structure and function.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG): Records your heart’s electrical activity. It can detect old or current heart attacks, ischemia, and heart rhythm issues.
  • Exercise stress test: Checks how your heart responds when it’s working very hard. It can detect angina and blockages in your coronary arteries.

Risk factors of coronary artery disease


The risk factors of coronary artery disease are divided into two parts: modifiable and non-modifiable


Non-modifiable Risk Factors:


  • Age: The risk of CAD increases with age. Men above 45 years and women above 55 years are at higher risk.
  • Gender: Men are generally at higher risk of developing CAD, although the risk in women increases after menopause.
  • Family history: The risk is increased if a close relative has a history of CAD.


Modifiable Risk Factors:


  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Physical inactivity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Stress
  • Sleep apnea
  • Excessive alcohol consumption


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Coronary Artery disease treatment in India


Coronary artery disease (CAD) treatment in India follows internationally recognized guidelines and practices. The management of CAD typically involves a combination of lifestyle modifications, medications, and invasive procedures if necessary. Here are some common approaches to CAD treatment in India:


  • Lifestyle Modifications: Patients with CAD are counseled to alter their lifestyles to lower risk factors and enhance their general health. This entails quitting smoking, switching to a nutritious diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol, keeping healthy, exercising frequently, and acquiring stress management techniques.


  • Medications: Various medications are prescribed to manage CAD and its risk factors. These include:


  • Aspirin or other antiplatelet agents: These lower the chance of heart attacks and prevent blood clots from forming.


  • Statins: These drugs lower cholesterol levels and lessen the chance of arteries becoming blocked with plaque.


  • Beta-blockers: They help lower blood pressure and reduce the workload on the heart.


  • ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers: These drugs are recommended to lower excessive blood pressure and strengthen the heart.


  • Invasive Procedures: In cases where lifestyle modifications and medications are insufficient, invasive procedures may be required to restore blood flow to the heart. Some commonly performed procedures for CAD include:


  • Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting: This procedure involves inserting a thin tube (catheter) with a balloon at the tip into the blocked coronary artery. The balloon is inflated to widen the artery, and a stent (a small mesh tube) is placed to keep the artery open.


  • Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): CABG is a surgical procedure involving bypasses using blood vessels from other body parts to reroute blood flow around the blocked or narrowed arteries.

Coronary Artery disease treatment cost in India


The cost of Coronary Artery disease treatment in India generally ranges between USD 3800 to USD 4500.


Top 10 Hospitals for Coronary Artery Disease Treatment in India


  1. Aakash Healthcare Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
  2. Aster CMI Hospital
  3. Max Hospital Shalimar bagh
  4. Rainbow Hospital Delhi
  5. Fortis Hospital Noida
  6. Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta
  7. Fortis Hospital and Kidney Institute (Rash Behari Ave)
  8. Narayana Institute of Cardiac Sciences
  9. Jaypee Hospital Noida
  10. Lilavati Hospital And Research Center

Choose GoMedii for the Coronary Artery disease treatment in India


If you want coronary artery disease treatment in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our “Website” and WhatsApp (+91 9654030724) or call us at 9599004811. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


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