Lung Cancer: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Tanuja Bisht

, Treatments

Lung cancer is the stage of uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in the lungs. Usually, this cancer starts in the cells that line the air passages. These abnormal cell growth that starts growing inside the lungs divide rapidly to form tumors.


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As these tumors become larger and numerous, they start affecting the lung’s ability to provide the bloodstream with oxygen. Those tumors that remain in one place of the body and do not appear to spread are called “benign tumors.”


Malignant tumors are the most dangerous ones that spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or through the lymphatic system.


Lung Cancer: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment




Facts Related to Lung Cancer


Some of the facts related to this cancer are;


  • Lung cancer the main cause of cancer deaths in both men and women worldwide.



  • There are two types of lung cancer including the small cell lung cancers (SCLC) and the non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) both the types grow and spread differently.


  • The stage of lung cancer defines the extension regarding the spreading in the body.


  • Treatment of lung cancer can involve a combination of surgery, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and experimental methods.




What are the Symptoms of Lung Cancer?


Following are some of the symptoms related to cancer including;


  • Coughing up phlegm or blood


  • Lingering or worsening cough


  • Chest pain during breathing, laugh, or a cough



  • Hoarseness


  • Wheezing


  • Weakness and fatigue


  • Loss of appetite





What are the Causes of Lung Cancer?


Smoking cigarette is the main cause of this cancer. Some of the studies define the relationship between smoking cigarette and lung cancer.


  • The smoke of a cigarette contains more than 4,000 chemicals that identified as causing cancer.


  • If we talk about in general, a person who smokes more than one pack of cigarettes per day has the greater risk of developing this cancer than someone who has never smoked.


  • Once a person quits smoking, the risk of this cancer gradually decreases.


  • Pipe smoking and cigar increase the risk of lung cancer but not more than smoking cigarettes.


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What are the Stages of Lung Cancer?


This cancer has majorly 4 stages including;


Stage 1: Cancer is found in the lung, but not spread outside the lung.


Stage 2: Cancer is found in the lung as well as nearby lymph nodes.


Stage 3: Cancer is found in the lung and lymph nodes in the middle of the chest.


Stage 3(i): Cancer is found in lymph nodes on the same side of the chest.


Stage 3(ii): Cancer has spread to lymph nodes as well as on the opposite side of the chest.


Stage 4: Cancer has spread to both the lungs, around the lungs, and to distant organs.




How Lung Cancer is Diagnosed?


There are different types of diagnosis process of this cancer including;

  • Imaging tests: This can be done through X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and computed tomography (CT) scan for seeing the abnormal mass in lungs.


  • Sputum cytology: This is the process of microscopic examination to determine the presence of cancer cells in the patient’s cough.


  • The process of biopsy can determine if tumor cells are cancerous. A tissue sample can be obtained by bronchoscopy and needle.


Lung Cancer: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment





What are the Treatments for Lung Cancer?


Following are some of the treatment of this cancer depending upon their type. The treatment for non-small cell lung cancer varies from person to person while depending upon specific details of the health.


  • Surgery is done to remove a portion of the affected lung.


  • Chemotherapy may also be recommended by the doctor if you’re at high risk of recurrence.


  • Choices for treating the NSCLC also include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.






Well, today we have several treatment options for lung cancer, but the best option is to stop smoking. Smoking not only causes lung cancer but also causes other types of diseases too. If you have already diagnosed with this cancer then taking some precautions are best for you like maintaining your diet and doing little exercise daily.


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