How Much Is Recovery Time For Knee Replacement Surgery?

Somya Verma

, Treatments

The recovery process of any illness is the most challenging. It is because it then proves if the treatment worked or not and what might be the final and future results of those. At GoMedii, with a better success rate, we have achieved a good level of consumer satisfaction, and most of the talk about signing up with us being a great choice.


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You can also sign up and not regret it! One of the inquiries has been about normal recovery time for knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement surgery for once is also the most common surgeries for which medical travelers come to India.


What is knee replacement surgery and why do you need it?


Knee replacement surgery also is known as knee arthroplasty which can help relieve pain and restore function in severely diseased knee joints. This includes getting done away with damaged bone and cartilage from your thighbone, shinbone, and kneecap and replacing it with an artificial joint made of metal alloys, high-grade plastics, and polymers.


One of the major reasons for knee replacement surgery is to relieve severe pain caused by osteoarthritis. People who need knee replacement surgery usually have problems walking, climbing stairs, and getting in and out of chairs. Some also have knee pain at rest. The demand for good knee replacement surgery makes medical travelers choose India and GoMedii as their medical tourist options.

How many days does the normal recovery time for knee replacement surgery?


It takes a good amount of 12 weeks to finally settle yourself. The 12 weeks following surgery are very important for recovery and rehab. Committing to a plan and pushing yourself to do as much as possible each day will help you heal faster from surgery and improve your chances for long-term success.


Let us tell you and navigate you through the days of the treatment and the recovery process in a small ride!


Day 1 at the treatment

It is one of the first days when you are nervous about what would happen to you. We at GoMedii has a brilliant team of doctors and medical experts who keep this scare of yours aside. On the first day, within the first 24 hours, your physical therapist (PT) will help you to stand up and walk using an assistive device. Assistive devices include walkers, crutches, and canes.

A nurse or occupational therapist will help you with tasks such as changing the bandage, dressing, bathing, and using the toilet. You will be guided by our medical experts at each and every point of your pre-treatment and post-treatment care.


The orientation of Day 2

On this day, you will be given a brief about how you must take care of and know about the various assistive devices that are given to you. s you recover from surgery, your activity level will increase gradually.


If the surgeon used waterproof dressings, you can shower the day after surgery. If they used normal dressing, you’ll have to wait for 5–7 days before showering, and avoid soaking for 3–4 weeks to let the incision heal fully.


The day you are Discharged

We at GoMedii not only take care of your pre-treatment needs but also your post-treatment requirements. The day you get discharged you are provided with the most comfortable of accommodation. Once you get to the day of discharge, you can leave the hospital depending heavily on the physical therapy you need, how quickly you are able to progress, your health before surgery, your age, and any medical issues.



Knee Replacement Surgery, Recovery time for knee replacement surgery, knee replacement surgery in india

Week 3 and week 4

The start of week 3 is when you are about to enter your normal habitat, or somewhere away from the hospital. These days also include regular exercise and the therapy that your orthopedic surgeon or physical therapist has suggested. By the time you’re back home or in a rehab facility, you should be able to move around more freely while experiencing reduced pain. You’ll require fewer and less powerful pain medications.


Week 5 to week 6, a little normal

If you’ve stayed on your exercise and rehab schedule, you should notice a dramatic improvement in your knee, including bending and strength. The swelling and inflammation should also have gone down.

The goal at this stage is to increase your knee strength and range of motion using physical therapy. Your PT may ask you to go on long walks and wean yourself off of an assistive device.


Weeks 7 to 11


The normal recovery time for knee replacement surgery will always take time. All you need to do is follow the advice of the doctors and you can see changes. You’ll keep working on physical therapy for up to 12 weeks. Your goals will include rapidly improving your mobility and range of motion possibly to 115 degrees and increasing strength in your knee and the surrounding muscles.


Week 12


This week you still have to take enough caution. Do not become Usain Bolt and neither sloth around! You can take little steps to see what level of movement does not hurt you. Any treatment has a process to maintain. This can be longer for different people and shorter as well. Yet, time heals! That is the mantra.


Week 13 and beyond


Start returning to higher-impact activities if your surgeon agrees. Follow the guidance of your PT and surgeon about any ongoing treatments.

Important points to be kept in mind about the normal recovery period for knee surgery:

Most patients can stand and begin basic movement the day right after surgery. You can expect to be walking with support before you even leave the hospital.

Some physicians recommend using a cane for extra support during weeks 2 through 6. 1st post-op visit is 4-6 weeks from the date of surgery.

Swelling is normal (for as long as 6 months), but can be reduced by regularly applying ice. If you’re wondering when you’ll be able to drive, the answer is: after you’re off your pain medicine!

Don’t be surprised if blood accumulation after your surgery results in a bruised area around your knee. That is totally normal and will disappear with time.


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What is to live with a knee replacement?

Total knee replacement may greatly improve function, but most patients will not be able to do more than they did before the onset of arthritis.


A replacement knee may feel different than a natural knee. One small study3 found that most people report being aware of their new knees even 12 months after surgery. Their awareness was most notable when climbing stairs, kneeling or rising from a chair. About half of the people in the study also reported symptoms such as knee stiffness (the most common), swelling, “crackling,” or numbness.


These symptoms can exist even though overall knee function is improved and knee pain is decreased. These symptoms do not mean the knee replacement surgery was not successful or that patients regretted having the surgery.


You must have questions in your head like, when should you start driving? When should you join your workplace?


To all the questions we have an answer for you. As per your driving and everyday work are concerned, you can try with enough concern and precautions. You can resume driving when you can bend your knee enough to get in and out of a car and control the car properly.


This depends on your job, but you can usually return to work 6 to 12 weeks after your operation. Your new knee will continue to recover for up to 2 years after your operation.


What is the success rate of normal recovery time for knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery is a safe, effective option to relieve that pain. This procedure allows for the correction of deformity and the restoration of normal knee function. The success rate has been 98% as well. Hence, choosing India is a great option when thought about.


Where in India should you go for knee replacement surgery?


As we all know that India is one of the top countries that medical travelers choose, in order to find the best hospitals. We at GoMedii are there to help you. Here is a list of hospitals we are associated with which have earned a name in knee surgery expertise.


Why should you choose GoMedii?


Taking care of all your needs and also your post-treatment care, we are the best and you will not regret choosing us. We are available for your help through our very own website. You can make us your choice and not think again.


We provide you with the best facilities across India and make your stay and your treatment a comfortable and successful one. You can choose us and leave your worries behind. For more precise information, you can submit the inquiry form and call Whatsapp (+91 9654030724)  we will get back to you as soon as possible. Come to India, to experience the best.


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