11 Best Summer Care Tips For Kids To Protect From Heat

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Are you worried about taking care of your kids this summer? Keeping kids healthy can be a difficult task during summer, as they have to go to school daily. Indian parent would know how difficult it is to take care of their kids in summer temperatures when it can be as high as 50 degrees. Healthy eating for kids in summer is just as the child’s body needs to get all the nutrients. If you are anxious or worried about your child’s health during summer, here are some of the healthy summer care tips for kids that you need to follow.



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Best Summer Care Tips For Kids:


Summer is a great time for kids to get outside and enjoy the weather – but at the same time, this fun period may carry a little risk which can harm kids. Here, are 11  summer care tips for kids which you have to remember during summer:


1. Wear Light Color Clothes:


11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)



Wearing full-sleeved clothes with light colors can allow the skin cells to stay away from the harmful rays of the sun. Light color clothes keep us cool and hence are preferable during summer time.  This is one of the best summer care tips for kids, even when they going to school.




2. Drink Enough water:


11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)


Around 70 percent of the body is composed of fluids. It became, necessary to drink at least 8 glasses for adults and 4 glasses for kids of water per day. As a result, the body stays cool and hydrated, and the heat of the sun cannot produce any impact on the skin. Drinking sufficient water can contribute a lot to the child’s health.




3. Eat Fruits Regularly:


11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)



The fruits contain high amounts of nutrients which are beneficial for the skin. If your kid consumes fruits on a regular basis, it can keep the body cool and your skin moisturized in spite of the high heat levels in the atmosphere. Hence healthy eating for children during summers is a must.



4. Take Bath:


11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)


Let your kid have a bath 2-3 times a day, this will lower the heat effect inside their body and it can also be a fun way to keep them busy in summer vacation. Going swimming is another option to keep your kid’s body hydrated.


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5. Healthy Foods:



11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)


Provide your kid with home-cooked healthy food during summer and avoid outside food to prevent infection. Instead of oily and fried food give salads and fruits to your kid to keep them healthy and hydrated during summer.


6. Try To Stay Under Shades:


11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat



Whenever you are out on the roads, always try to move into the shades. Search out for the shady areas that do not have direct contact with the sun. Ask your kids to follow this tip too. Always use an umbrella during the afternoon when it’s too hot. Make your kid wear a hat or cap while leaving home.




7. Drink Juices And Shakes:


11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)


Provide your kid with lemon juice daily. Lemon is filled with Vitamin C, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and carbohydrates. It is a great drink to beat the heat. Other drinks like watermelon juice and milkshakes like banana shake, and mango shake are the best drinks for summer. It is a perfect combination of healthy as well as tasty beverages for your little kiddo.



8. Eat Healthy And Light Food:


11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat t



Fruits like watermelon and salads can keep your body cool in summer. So include lots of fruits and salads in kid’s daily food routine. Do avoid using spices in summer as the body cannot bear spices in summer. Eating heavy and spicy food can add up to the heat generated in your body and damage skin too.




9. Using Sunglasses:

11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)



Ask your kid to wear sunglasses when going out to avoid strain on their eyes due to the sun’s rays. It is a good idea as not only do kids enjoy wearing sunglasses but also they can protect their eyes.



10. Apply Sunscreen:

11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat (6)


Sun-screen comprises ingredients that protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun and make it nice and glowing. Sunburns can seriously hamper the skin tone and make it prone to numerous complications. It is recommended that everyone should apply sunscreen daily especially children as their skin is very sensitive, especially after swimming or even when it is cloudy outside.



11. Avoid Going Out In The Afternoon:



11 Best Summer Care Tips for Kids To Protect From Heat t

Try to avoid going out in the sun in the afternoon like between 11 am to 3 pm. Sun heat is maximum, and the heat waves are dangerous in the afternoon. If you have to go out in the sun for quite some time, don’t forget to apply sunscreen. Encourage your kids to apply sunscreen too.



Once you start following these summer care tips for kids this year, it will definitely help your kids stay safe from the harmful side effects this summer.



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