Immune System In The Elderly Can Be A Tricky Affair

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

In this lockdown, keeping up with your immunity is extremely important. Coronavirus affects those with lesser immunity. When do we say that you must think who have really less immunity? Well, it the elderly.


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Keeping that in mind, we must know the immune system in the elderly and how it can be affected by age and other chronic conditions. Aging is an inevitable part of our lives. As we age, the requirements of our daily routine, as well as our body, keeps changing.


What are the ways in which the immune system in the elderly can be affected?


There is not just one thing that can affect the immune system in the elderly. With age, the organs become weaker and low on their productivity.


1) Diabetes


In India, most of the elderly people are affected by this particular condition. Hence, it becomes important that once when the Immune System in the Elderly is considered, this condition must be checked well.


2) Age


Well, you cal people of age 60 old as well, and also those with 80. What you should know that there might be two different conditions the body of these two works. You can know that the lifestyle followed might make an 80-year-old stronger than 60 and vice-versa.


Yet one knows that age is a factor in the Immune System in the Elderly, hence we assume that a 60-year-old will have better immunity.


3) Asthma


In this time of COVID-19, people with respiratory conditions should take extra care. This is also one of the major conditions due to the lack of strength in the Immune System in the Elderly. Hence, all our old goldies must take care of it on priorities!


4) Cold and Cough


With the age of 80, even a cold and cough can be dangerous. With the COVID-19 on the spread, this must be kept in mind. Get your medicines on online pharmacy such as GoMedii, with safe and contactless delivery. Stay home and keep yourself healthy!


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We have many more reasons for how and why you need to take care of the immune system in the elderly, and here are some ways!


1) Visit the doctor on priority


Regular health check-ups for cholesterol levels, colon cancer, heart problems and more, qualify for Medicare coverage. Elders also need to get vaccinations that can help prevent influenza and pneumonia. Also, include regular vision checkups and dental clinic visits at least twice a year. It all helps the elderly one to keep healthy. This will not boost the immune system of the elderly but will build the base for doing so.


2) Get some sleep


Frequent waking and sleeplessness in the night are common among the elderly. Turn the lights down in the evening to leads drowsiness and make sure the senior’s bedroom is comfortable, cool and quiet.


3) Exercise


Regular physical activity promotes circulation and heart health and relaxes the body and mind. Bicycle rides, walks, yoga classes, and other forms of exercise help boost a senior’s immune system performance and ward off infections. What is better than this to boost the immune system of the elderly.


Keep a check on the immune system in the elderly to keep them healthy. We are for your help all the time. Download our app and see your healthcare evolve better!


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