Vitamins To Take In Summer, Yes People

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Your Vitamins should be your best friends. Trust us on this, they will never leave you unwell. You are confused about which vitamins to take in summer, and we understand that! There are so many classifications in vitamins also, like micro, macro, soluble, insoluble, you are bound to be confused. What good are we if we do not remove your doubts then?

Here are some of the vitamins to take in summer, which you must-have in your boxes, no matter what!


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Vitamins To Take In Summer, Take Them Now


With COVID entering our lives, taking care of our bodies is more than just important. We must make sure our immunity is stronger than the virus itself.


Vitamin A, the apple of the “eye” vitamins


National Nutrition Week 2019 Why Do We Need For Multivitamin


Vitamin A increases your eye power and also, helps you keep your skin in good condition. Since we tend to spend more time outside in the summer, it’s essential to boost the health of our potentially sun-exposed skin as much as possible. Keep your supplements in your bag and make sure you don’t forget to take them.


Vitamin C, the immunity booster


National Nutrition Week 2019 Why Do We Need For Multivitamin


If you can only afford to take one supplement, take vitamin C. This multi-purpose vitamin helps your body manage heat and ward off related issues such as heat strokes and rashes. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and enhances collagen production in the skin, which in turn protects it from sun damage.


This is like the shield, the shield that you can use for your body to protect you. So, make sure that despite everything vitamins to take in summer must have Vitamin C on the list.


Vitamin E, for the lush hair and glowing skin


National Nutrition Week 2019 Why Do We Need For Multivitamin


Like vitamin C, vitamin E protects the skin from sun damage. It has various other benefits, including being able to increase muscle strength and physical endurance, and rid the body of impurities. Eat foods such as tofu, spinach, oily fish, lean meat, and nuts to add more vitamin E to your diet.

Your hair too has a great chance of being more lustrous. What a bonus right?


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Vitamin D, the sunshine


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When the sun shines, it makes your day brighter? The same goes for this very Vitamin. It only makes it understandable why we are saying this. The sun is the most apparent source of Vitamin D.


Let this sunshine come into your life and body. Make sure you do not miss out on this! Well, we do not have to tell you the result of such a deficiency.


Should you take vitamin D in the summer more Vitamin A?


Well, that really is not the answer we can give you! It is only to be decided by the report. You must go for a checkup, and understand your body better.


Zinc, not vitamin but Important


National Nutrition Week 2019 Why Do We Need For Multivitamin


Zinc tends to be low in older people and anyone under a lot of stress, which is basically everyone. And it makes sense. Zinc supports our immune system and helps our body use carbohydrates, protein, and fat for energy. It also aids in wound healing.


The world seems to fight for breath, and we are here giving all our support. Get your vitamins to take in summer and make your body thank you for taking its care!


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