Coronavirus (COVID-19) Confirmed Cases in Delhi

Anju Bisht

, News


New on coronavirus (COVID-19): There were 2 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Kerela, now there is 1 positive case in the capital. The Press Information Bureau informed the person from New Delhi has travel history from Italy. Where Italy reported a 50 percent increase in coronavirus cases Sunday. The person from Delhi is being diagnosed at RML hospital.


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The virus first detected in China has infected nearly 89,000 people globally and caused more than 3,000 deaths. Coronavirus was officially named COVID-19 by WHO referring to its origin late last year and the coronavirus as its causes.


Regards from health minister


So far, 2 positive cases of COVID19 has been detected. Where 1 from Delhi and another 1 detected in Telangana. The person from Telangana had a travel history from Dubai. However, both the patient are stable and are being closely monitored.


“12,431 people were screened at major and minor seaports and 23 people are under testing for the virus,” said Dr. Harsh Vardhan, The health minister.


He added to stay clam and do not panic, to the general public, if spot any symptoms of the virus. The Health Minister urged people to contact a doctor or call on the helpline number in a press conference.


E-mail helpline:

Helpline number: +91-11-23978046


New Delhi (27 February 2020): An Air India special flight from Tokyo had arrived with 119 Indians and 5 foreigners. Where the foreign nationals belonged to Sri Lanka, Nepal, South Africa, and Peru.


Iran reported 54 deaths which are the next highest number of deaths from COVID-19 after China. However, India detected 3 cases in total.


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