Outbreak of a mysterious coronavirus: The first victim is an Indian

Anju Bisht

, News

There are reports about a mysterious and deadly Corona Virus Outbreak that has clutched China with fear. Melancholy is that the virus has claimed its first victim which is an Indian.


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A teacher based out of Shenzhen, Shweta Maheshwari who is 45-year-old; the first foreigner to contract the virus. Shweta was admitted to the hospital after she fell ill, where she showed symptoms of pneumonia.


The number of cases reported out of china has now jumped up to 200 and the place of the outbreak has also been confirmed as Wuhan. So far, 3 people lost their lives thanks to the severe respiratory infections caused by the virus spread.


Besides China, the infection has been reported in neighboring countries like South Korea, Thailand, and Japan.


What is Coronavirus?


The coronavirus was named after its crown-shaped appearance. Further, the scientists reported the virus belongs to the family of viruses that results in deadly infections, including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERSA) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The virus is originally detected in animals and quickly spreading to humans.


World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed, for now, there are no cases of direct human to human transmission.


Coronavirus Symptoms:


The infection onset is similar to the flu-like condition. The early symptoms include;


  • coughing,
  • high fever,
  • lung trouble,


At later stages, the condition can manifest into complications, such as:


  • pneumonia,


There is a requirement for immediate care and attention if remain untreated can cause death.


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