World Alzheimer’s Day 2018: Know More About 5 Myths of Alzheimer’s Disease

Tanuja Bisht

, News

World Alzheimer’s Day 2018 is celebrated on the 21st of September every year. The day aims to raise awareness among the public regarding the stigma of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.


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Alzheimer’s disease is defined as a disease that leads to an unusual memory loss that can disrupt everyday life. World Alzheimer’s Day 2018 is the seventh international awareness-raising campaign for Alzheimer’s disease and its causes. The idea behind the World Alzheimer’s Day is to make the public aware of Alzheimer’s disease and causes, as well as the misinformation that has affected them.


World Alzheimer's Day 2018: Know More About 5 Myths of Alzheimer's Disease



The World Alzheimer’s Month is also marked as the international campaign by the Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) nonprofit organization in this same month to raise awareness and challenge related to Alzheimer’s disease.


On this occasion of the World Alzheimer’s Day in 2018, we discuss some of the most common myths that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease.




Top 5 Myths of Alzheimer’s Disease


Myth 1: Memory Loss Indicates Alzheimer’s Disease


Memory loss is common when a person gets older. The memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease is progressive and weakens the functioning of the patient. The memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s is so severe that the patient may forget his own name, the name of his partner or friend. But any memory loss is not an indication of the Alzheimer’s disease.


Memory Loss Indicates Alzheimer's Disease




Myth 2: Alzheimer Does Not Causes Death


It may sound terrifying, but Alzheimer’s is one of the leading causes of death across the World. deaths due to this disease are more than prostate cancer and breast cancer. Alzheimer’s disease slowly decreases the brain cells and leads to memory changes. As the disease progresses, the basic functions of the body such as breathing, eating, talking and swallowing are lost. People with Alzheimer’s usually die from the lung infections due to malnutrition. Sometimes patients get into risky situations when they forget to go home.


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Myth 3: You Can Avoid Alzheimer’s Disease


Some studies indicate that the intake of vitamin E, B, and C, as well as folate and selenium, may be beneficial in their dietary sources. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are the keys to keeping Alzheimer’s at a bay. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also be helpful in preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s.



Myth 4: Alzheimer’s Disease Only Affect Older People


Yes, Alzheimer’s disease usually occurs in people over 65 years old. But it can also happen in people between the ages of 40 and 50 years. This is known as early Alzheimer’s. The brain function decreases slowly in Alzheimer’s disease. As the disease progresses, the thinking and reasoning skills become weaker. You may even find it difficult to fulfill the basic tasks of daily life.


Alzheimer's Disease Only Affect Older People




Myth 5: Alzheimer’s Disease Can Only Be Discovered Later


Only lack of knowledge and failure to follow the indications that Alzheimer’s disease is not controlled or discovered for a long time. Especially, for this reason, the World Alzheimer’s Day is of great importance. Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease can help improve the survival and life expectancy of patients. Early detection helps patients plan more time for the future and get the best possible treatment. The progression of Alzheimer’s disease is different for each patient. But a patient with advanced Alzheimer’s disease becomes helpless, often in a vegetative state. Therefore, patients with Alzheimer’s should be treated in a family environment to avoid anxiety, stress, and fearfulness.


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