What Is The Down Syndrome Treatment Cost In India?

In June 2020, the earliest incidence of Down syndrome was found in genomic evidence from an infant buried before 3200 BC at Poulnabrone Dolmen in Ireland. The ancient people, unaware of the disease, would kill children with disabilities. But with continued efforts and understanding, light was finally shed on the topic in 1862 by an English physician, John Langdon Down. The disease was named after him due to his efforts to create awareness about this condition.


Come 2023, there are many countries offering treatment for Down syndrome, India being one of them. The Down syndrome treatment cost in India is one of the lowest in the world. Combine its world-class facilities, easy access to ancillary services, and a massive chunk of the English-speaking population – you have a great deal in your hand.


Keep on reading to know about Down syndrome treatment in India!


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Down Syndrome: What Is It?


Down syndrome is a genetic disorder, which means that the manifestation of this disorder has everything to do with our chromosomes. Taking it from the bottom, humans have 46 (23 pairs) chromosomes in them. These chromosomes define our features like height, hair, color, sex, etc. Even our behavioral patterns are somehow connected to our chromosomes.


Down syndrome develops when a person receives three copies of chromosome 21 rather than just two (one pair). It leads to developmental delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic physical features.


Types Of Down Syndrome


There are mainly three types of Down Syndrome, such as:


  • Trisomy 21: Trisomy 21 is the most common form of Down syndrome, occurring in approximately 95% of individuals with this condition. In Trisomy 21, each cell in the body possesses three separate copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two.


  • Translocation Down syndrome: Translocation Down syndrome is less common, accounting for about 3% of Down syndrome cases. This form arises when an additional part or an entire extra chromosome 21 is present but is attached or “translocated” to a different chromosome rather than existing as a separate chromosome 21.


  • Mosaic Down Syndrome: This form, affecting about 2% of individuals with Down syndrome, involves a mixture of cells. Some cells have three copies of chromosome 21, while others maintain the typical two copies. This variability can lead to milder Down syndrome features due to the presence of cells with a standard chromosome count.


Causes Of Down Syndrome


Down syndrome occurs when abnormal cell division regarding chromosome 21 takes place. This abnormal cell division results in an extra partial or complete chromosome 21. This extra genetic material is responsible for Down syndrome’s characteristic features and developmental problems.


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Symptoms Of Down Syndrome


The following are some standard features of Down syndrome:


1. Physical Symptoms Of Down Syndrome


  • A flat nose bridge.
  • Slanted eyes that point upward.
  • A short neck.
  • Small ears, hands, and feet.
  • Weak muscle tone at birth.
  • The small pinky finger points inward towards the thumb.
  • One crease in the palm of their hand (palmar crease).
  • Shorter-than-average height.


As your child grows, additional symptoms can arise because of the way that their body developed in the uterus, including:


  • Ear infections or hearing loss.
  • Vision problems or eye diseases.
  • Dental problems.
  • Being more prone to infections or illnesses.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Congenital heart disease.


Your child’s healthcare provider will regularly check for these and other conditions that may cause additional symptoms throughout your child’s life.


2. Cognitive Symptoms Of Down Syndrome


  • Walk and move (gross and fine motor skills).
  • Speak (language development skills).
  • Learn (cognitive skills).
  • Play (social and emotional skills).


As a result, it may take your child longer to do the following things:


  • Toilet training.
  • Speaking their first words.
  • Taking their first steps.
  • Eating food independently.


3. Behavioral Symptoms Of Down Syndrome


  • Stubbornness and tantrums.
  • Difficulty paying attention.
  • Obsessive or compulsive behaviors.


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What Are The Diseases Associated With Down Syndrome?


Common conditions of Down syndrome can include:


  • Heart problems.
  • Thyroid abnormalities.
  • Gastrointestinal problems like constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, and celiac disease.
  • Autism, challenges with social skills, communication, and repetitive behaviors.
  • Alzheimer’s disease.


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How Is Down Syndrome Diagnosed?


Various tests are available to diagnose Down syndrome before and after birth.


1. Before Birth


Prenatal Screening Tests


These tests are done to assess the risk of your having a child with Down syndrome rather than giving a confirmation. The tests can include blood tests or imaging tests like ultrasound.


Nuchal Translucency Screening Test: These tests look for indications of Down syndrome, like extra fluid behind your baby’s neck.


Blood test: The test measures the levels of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and the pregnancy hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Abnormal levels of PAPP-A and HCG may indicate a problem with the baby.


2. During Pregnancy


Tests done during pregnancy can confirm the presence of Down syndrome in a child. These diagnostic tests are done if the screening tests have come positive.


The following tests can detect chromosomal changes leading to Down syndrome diagnosis:


  • Amniocentesis.
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
  • Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS).


3. After Birth


After birth, your doctor will look for your child’s physical signs of Down syndrome. To confirm the diagnosis, the health practitioner will perform a karyotype test. In this test, a blood sample from your child will be examined under the microscope for the extra 21st chromosome to diagnose the condition.


Down Syndrome Treatment In India


Down syndrome treatment in India encompasses several treatment options like surgery, gene therapy, speech therapy, etc. Moreover, down syndrome treatment is unique to every individual.


Early intervention can improve the child’s quality of life. Proper treatment will help your child exercise their full potential and live fully.


Treatment options could include:


  • Physical or occupational therapy.
  • Speech therapy.
  • Participating in special education programs in school.
  • Treating any underlying medical conditions.
  • Wearing glasses for vision problems or assisted hearing devices for hearing loss.


1. Surgery For Down Syndrome


Surgical intervention may be required for certain conditions associated with Down syndrome:


  • Intestinal blockages and swallowing problems
  • Eye problems like cloudy eyes or crossed eyes
  • Teething delays
  • Leukemia


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2. Gene Therapy


Gene therapy for Down syndrome treatment in India is still in the experimental stage but is being offered by some hospitals as a potential treatment in the country.


There are two ways by which gene therapy works:


  • Somatic: Making changes to an individual’s genome that can not be inherited.
  • Germline: Making changes to the genome of very early embryos that may be inherited. 


Specialists Involved In Down Syndrome Treatment In India


Specialists from various fields of medicine come together to provide medical care and help the child live to their fullest potential.


  • Primary care providers monitor growth, development, and medical concerns and provide vaccinations.
  • Medical specialists, depending on the person’s needs (for example, cardiologist, endocrinologist, geneticist, and hearing and eye specialists).
  • Speech therapists to help them communicate.
  • Physical therapists help strengthen their muscles and improve motor skills.
  • Occupational therapists help refine their motor skills and make daily tasks easier.
  • Behavioral therapists help manage emotional challenges that can come with Down syndrome.


Down Syndrome Treatment Cost In India


The Down syndrome treatment cost in India lies between USD 2000 – and USD 30,000, depending on the child’s condition and treatment chosen.


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Down Syndrome Treatment Hospitals In India


India is home to some of the finest healthcare chains in the world. GoMedii has compiled a list of hospitals offering Down syndrome treatment in India.


The hospitals are:


  1. Venkateshwar Hospital, Delhi
  2. Gleneagles Global Hospital, Mumbai
  3. Neurogenic Hospital, Mumbai
  4. Apollo Children’s Hospital, Chennai
  5. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi
  6. AMRI Hospital, Kolkata
  7. Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram
  8. Medanta the Medicity, Gurugram
  9. Artemis Hospital, Gurugram
  10. Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai


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FAQs On Down Syndrome Treatment Cost In India


1. What is the best treatment for Down syndrome?


There is no single “best” treatment for Down syndrome; individuals receive individualized care plans that may include speech therapy, occupational therapy, and educational support.


2. Can Down syndrome be cured completely?


Down syndrome is a genetic condition, and there is no cure to eliminate it. Treatment primarily focuses on managing symptoms and supporting individuals with Down syndrome.


3. How much does Down syndrome treatment cost in India?


Down syndrome treatment cost in India lies between USD 2000 – and USD 30,000, depending on the child’s condition and treatment chosen.


4. Can a person with Down syndrome live everyday life?


Many people with Down syndrome can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives with appropriate support and opportunities.


5. Is Down syndrome a severe disability?


Down syndrome is considered a developmental disability, but the severity of its impact varies from person to person, and with proper care, individuals can lead happy and productive lives.


Choose GoMedii For The Best And Most Affordable Down Syndrome Treatment Cost In India


If you are looking for the best and most affordable Down Syndrome Treatment Cost In India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our “Website” and call us at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at connect@gomedii.com. Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


Feel free to drop your queries through this “form. “Our team of experts will contact you!


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