Blood Vessel Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Types & Treatment

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Blood vessel disease is also known as peripheral vascular disease or we can call it artery disease. It is basically the narrowing of the blood vessels in the abdomen, arms, and legs.


The vessel disease is generally caused by the build-up of fatty that deposits known as plaque that causes narrowing of the blood vessels.


When the condition of narrowing of the blood vessels occurs, less oxygen-rich blood gets into the body parts. This causes tissue and cell death as well as a leading cause of amputations.


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What is Blood Vessel Disease?

The blood vessel disease is a condition of narrowing of the veins and arteries that carry blood to and from the arms, abdomen, and legs.


The disease is basically caused by deposition of a build-up of fatty substance that leads to narrowing of the vessels, a decline in the supply of oxygen-rich blood to other parts of the body.


Ultimately, the diseases cause cell and tissue death, a leading cause of amputations.


People over the age of 50 or who have a family history of heart or blood vessel diseases are at higher risk of developing the blood vessel disease.


Certain conditions are an add-on with the disease like diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle.


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What are the Symptoms of Blood Vessel Disease?

There are several symptoms of the vessel disease including;

  • Muscle aches and cramps.
  • Slight or no pulse in the feet or legs.
  • Cold hands and feet with pale skin.
  • Hair loss on the toes, feet, and legs.
  • Sores that take too long to heal.
  • Reddish-blue color appearance of the skin and nails.
  • Pain with exercise.




What are the Risk Factors of Blood Vessel Disease?

A person may at higher risk for blood vessel disease if he/she;

  • Smoke
  • Have diabetes
  • Are over the age of 45
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Have high cholesterol
  • Have a family history of heart or blood vessel disease
  • Are inactive
  • Are overweight




What are the Types of Blood Vessel Disease?

The most common type of blood vessel disease are high blood pressure, or hypertension, and is caused due to the increased pressure of the blood moving through the vessels.


Hypertension is usually termed as a life-threatening disease; however, the disease has several treatment options. This condition of hypertension can lead to stroke and heart failure as well.


The other diseases of the blood vessels include veins and arteries in different parts of the body. These can involve coronary artery disease, peripheral venous disease, and peripheral artery disease as well as aneurysms.


The blood vessel diseases in certain portions of the brain can also lead to dementia or other neurological ailments.




What are the Available Treatments for Blood Vessel Disease?

As it is already defined that the disease blocked or narrowed the blood vessels so ultimately the disease is so small, so surgery is usually not a treatment option for it.


Various types of medications can be prescribed to control the blocking and narrowing of blood vessels including;

  • Medicines help in opening up arteries as well as the blood flow.
  • It also helps to change calcium and sodium levels as well as ease chest pain.
  • Some medicines slow down the heart rate and decrease the blood pressure.
  • Medicines are also taken to relax the muscles surrounded by the coronary arteries.
  • Some drugs help in opening up vessels and increases blood flow.
  • Medicines also limit inflammation and prevent blood clots from forming.





As the blood vessel disease can be slowed or prevented with the better and healthy lifestyle choices like exercising every day, eating a low fat and high in fiber diet, visiting the doctor regularly, managing the stress levels, having blood pressure checked, and quitting smoking.



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