Diabetes and Menopause: How To Manage These Hormonal Changes Together

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z


You are thinking that how ‘Diabetes and Menopause’ relate right? Menopause is the phase of life after your periods have stopped and your estrogen levels decline. When women start experiencing a gap between her periods that’s the sign of menopause, after menopause, there are some changes in the hormone levels which can trigger fluctuations in the blood sugar level. With these fluctuations, we can relate to diabetes and menopause. Want to know more, read the entire blog.


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What are Diabetes and Menopause?


Diabetes and menopause may team up for varied effects on your body, including:


Changes in blood sugar level:  The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect how the cells that respond to insulin. After menopause, changes in the hormone levels can trigger variation in your blood sugar level. If your blood sugar gets out of control, you have a higher risk of diabetes complications.


Weight gain: Some women gain weight during the menopausal transition and after menopause. This can increase the need for insulin or oral diabetes medication.


Infections: Even before menopause, high blood sugar levels can contribute to the urinary tract and vaginal infections. After menopause when a drop in estrogen makes it easier for bacteria and yeast to thrive in the urinary tract and vagina.


Sleep problems: Sleeping problems usually occur after menopause, hot flashes and night sweats may keep you up at night. In turn, sleep deprivation can make it tougher to manage the blood sugar level.


Sexual problems: Diabetes can also harm the nerves cells of the vagina line. Which can interfere or disturb with arousal and orgasm? Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause, may compound the issue by causing pain during sex.


What are the Symptoms of Menopause?



Here, are some symptoms of menopause include:


  • Hot Flashes



  • Fatigue


  • Loss of Libido


  • Vaginal Dryness


  • Mood Swings



  • Dizziness


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What Should We Do in Diabetes and Menopause?


Make healthy lifestyle choices: Healthy lifestyle choices like-eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are the cornerstone of the diabetes treatment plan. Healthy foods and regular physical activity can help you to feel the best after menopause, too.


Measure your blood sugar frequently: You may need to check the blood sugar level more frequently than usual during the day, and occasionally during the night. Keep a log of your blood sugar readings and symptoms. Your doctor may use the details to adjust your diabetes treatment plan as needed.


Consult a doctor: If your average blood sugar level increases, you may need to increase the dosage of your diabetes medications or begin taking a new medication especially if you gain weight or reduce your level of physical activity. Likewise, if your average blood sugar level decreases, you may need to reduce the dosage of your diabetes medications.


 Cholesterol-lowering medications: If you have diabetes, you’re at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The risk increases even more when you reach menopause. To reduce the risk, eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. Your doctor may recommend cholesterol-lowering medication if you’re not already taking it.


Menopause Symptoms: If you’re fighting with hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decreased sexual response or other menopausal symptoms, remember that treatment is available. For example, your doctor may recommend a vaginal lubricant to restore vaginal moisture or vaginal estrogen therapy to correct thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls.


Your doctor may also recommend hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the symptoms if you have no contraindications for this therapy.


Does Menopause Ever End?


Menopause is the cessation of menstrual periods when you no longer ovulate and the ovaries stop producing estrogen. It is a forever thing. These symptoms, unlike menopause itself, don’t usually last forever, and they can vary in duration and severity from woman to woman.




In the above-mentioned blog, we have talked about Diabetes and Menopause and its symptoms and lifestyle changes. It’s a serious health problem so whenever you start experiencing this consult a doctor as soon as possible otherwise it creates major complications for you.

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