You Have A Lung Infection: There Are Many Ways To Clean Up Lungs

Shikhar Atri

, Health A2Z

If you have a lung infection, then you have to take care of yourself a lot. There are many ways to clean up lungs and it will be very beneficial for your overall health. Most people are in regular contact with air pollution and if you have chronic conditions that affect the respiratory system, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and cystic fibrosis. Then this blog is very useful for you but you have to read the full blog.


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As we all know that today’s time air pollution, cigarette smoke, and other toxins damage your lungs and most people are ignoring these things. Because of your habits, you are also suffered from other health problems which are related to your lungs. You have to keep maintaining the health of your lungs and it is very essential for the rest of the body healthy.


What do you mean by lung clean-up?


As you know that your lungs do a lot for you and it is the most important part of the human body. Most people do not think about the lungs but there are many ways to clean up lungs that we are going to tell you. If you want you can take a step to help them work better. If you do not know, we will tell you that human lungs are mostly self-cleaning organs, but there are some things that can help you work on a good level. If you are a heavy smoker or have a lung infection, then the lung cleaning technique is very useful.


Ways to clean up lungsĀ that keep your health better


There are various natural ways but you have to try all these things. if you want to keep your lungs healthy.

Add Exercise to your daily routine


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If you want to maintain your lungs then the most important thing you have to do some exercise daily. If you are staying active then it can be one of the best things you can do to improve your lung function. You can go for a walk or you can also go for a bicycle ride.


Try some breathing exercises


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You can also try certain breathing exercises to improve your lung function, especially for those who have recently quit smoking, or who have lung damage from a chronic lung disease like asthma, COPD, and lung fibrosis.


Many ways to clean up lungs you can practice some breathing exercises, such as an Anuloma pranayam kapalbhati and other pranayams. This kind of breathing exercise is often used after surgery to get faster recovery.


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Steam will also improve your lungs function



As many of you using steam therapy when you have a cold or cough. But the steam also involves inhaling water vapor to thin out mucus and reduce inflammation in the airways. Steam can help to glow for your skin and it can also improve your breathing capacity. If you have any lung disease then you should have to try this.




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If we are talking the turmeric then most of the Indian are daily use turmeric in their food. It is very beneficial for health. Your daily consumption of turmeric helps in reducing the inflammation in the air passage. Turmeric contains a special compound called curcumin. It helps to clean your lungs naturally and it also helps to boost your immunity.


You should also have green tea


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As we all know that green tea has anti-inflammatory properties and it can boost your immunity and which may also prevent some types of lung disease. Green tea is the easiest remedy to clean your lungs. If you are drinking two cups of green tea daily then it can reduce the risk of COPD.


Add some vitamin D and anti-inflammatory foods


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There are many ways to clean up lungs you have to eat excellent sources of vitamin D foods such as salmon, sardines, and eggs. It can reduce the number of asthma attacks if you are an asthma patient.


Moreover, you can also eat anti-inflammatory foods such as berries, broccoli, and dark chocolate. You have to choose those foods that are lower in carbohydrates and higher in healthy fats.


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