World-Class Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment In India For International Patients

Arjun Khanna

, Treatments

An intracranial aneurysm is a serious and life-threatening condition, especially in the case of smokers and heart patients. An intracranial aneurysm or brain aneurysm is also known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage. It is a serious condition that affects the blood vessels inside the brain, stretching and weakening them and causing balloon-like swellings.


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Intracranial Aneurysm treatment is expensive and unavailable in many parts of the world. It is an advanced and invasive surgery that requires intensive, and technologically advanced surgery, this is what makes it so difficult to undergo. However, Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment in India is extremely affordable.


Medical services in India have reached new levels of technology and skill. Invasive surgeries that were once a difficulty are now commonly available throughout India with above 95% success rates. These surgeries, conducted by the best, internationally trained teams of healthcare professionals and doctors are extremely affordable as well.


India has made major strides in the quality of extensive, life-changing treatments in recent years. To ensure international patients receive quality treatment, GoMedii works hand in hand with some of the best cancer hospitals and institutes in India. Experience the best of Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment In India through GoMedii.


At GoMedii, we help countless patients from countries around the world including patients from Afghanistan, patients from Cambodia, patients from South Sudan, patients from Oman as well as Nigeria. Several patients from these countries have pursued a successful Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment in India through GoMedii.


Find out more about intracranial aneurysm treatment in India with a consultation for just $20 USD. Drop a query to us on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). Patients may even email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


What is An Intracranial Aneurysm?

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An intracranial aneurysm refers to an area in the wall of a blood vessel inside the brain that has been weakened. The area of the blood vessel wears out from the constant flow of blood and swells like a bubble. Intracranial aneurysms are of two types.


Saccular Aneurysms


These are the most common type of brain aneurysms. The shape bulges out in a mushroom dome shape from the main artery. They’re connected to that artery by a narrow “neck.”


Fusiform Aneurysms


These aneurysms aren’t as common as saccular aneurysms. They don’t swell in a mushroom shape and instead, make a widened spot in the blood vessel.


Though brain aneurysms can be worrisome, most aneurysms don’t cause health issues. It is when the aneurysm leaks, explodes or grows too big, that it is a problem. Bleeding in the brain, or a ‘hemorrhagic stroke’ is life-threatening, and the patient must seek medical care immediately.


When Does One Need Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment?


Brain aneurysms form with age and are most common after the age of 40. They can also be caused by a genetic birth defect. Aneurysms are more common in female patients than in males.


Aneurysms are most likely to form where blood vessels fork into two as the pressure of the blood makes those areas the weakest. Brain aneurysms are commonly found at the base of the brain.


Smoking and high blood pressure put one at the most risk of having a brain aneurysm. But several other things in a patient’s medical history and lifestyle also increase their odds of developing a brain aneurysm.


What Are the Symptoms of an Intracranial Aneurysm?


If a patient is exhibiting the symptoms of an intracranial aneurysm, it is most likely that the aneurysm has burst. Patients must seek emergency care in the event of a sudden painful headache, consciousness loss, or any of the following symptoms that are evidence of an aneurysm rupture.


  • Sudden and intense headache


  • Consciousness loss


  • Nausea and vomiting


  • Sleepiness


  • Loss of balance or hand-eye coordination


  • Neck Stiffness


  • Dilated pupils


  • Light Sensitivity


  • Sudden blurry vision


  • Drooping eyelids


  • Confusion or trouble with mental awareness



Brain aneurysms usually don’t show symptoms until they burst. However, they can cause symptoms if they get bigger by pressing on the brain or nerves.


Certain symptoms can also be signs of an aneurysm that hasn’t ruptured. These symptoms can hint at a leak in the aneurysm or the possibility that it is about to burst soon. Seek medical help in the case of the following symptoms.


  • Headache


  • Blurry vision


  • Pain above or behind an eye


  • Drooping eyelids


  • Problems in speaking


  • Weakness and numbness on one side of the face


To get a consultation for just $20 USD regarding the symptoms and possible intracranial aneurysm treatment in India, drop us a query on our website. Patients may even contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at, regarding our services. Our team will connect with you at the earliest.


Diagnosing an Intracranial Aneurysm for Treatment


To begin with, the healthcare team will work to diagnose an intracranial aneurysm before treating it. This will require a series of tests to confirm whether the patient actually has an aneurysm or some other ailment. This will involve checking the patient’s health and medical history, followed up with a check for symptoms and a physical exam. Several types of scans and tests can be used to diagnose the patient’s brain aneurysm. They include:


CT Scan


This exam creates images of the patient’s brain. The patient will slide into the CT scanner on a table. A technician will inject contrast dye into the patient’s vein prior to the scan. This will make it easier to see the blood flow and spot the aneurysms.


MRI Scan


A similar process to the CT scan, the MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the patient’s brain and blood vessels. MRIs and CT scans can detect aneurysms larger than 3 to 5 millimeters.


The following tests are more invasive and involved than CT or MRI scans. However, the following tests will be conducted if the doctors suspect a brain aneurysm. The tests below will allow them to confirm the diagnosis for certain, as well as determine the best possible treatment approach.




An Angiogram is considered to be the most reliable way to detect aneurysms. In this test, the purpose itself is to shows the weak spots in the patient’s blood vessels. The test involves inserting a small flexible tube through a blood vessel in the leg known as a catheter.


The catheter is guided into the blood vessels in the patient’s neck that reach the brain. Through this catheter, a contrast dye will be injected into the patient, and X-rays will be taken. This will illuminate the blood vessels in the brain, allowing the doctor a map through which he may spot the aneurysm.


Cerebrospinal Fluid Test


In the case of an aneurysm rupture, doctors will test the patient’s cerebrospinal fluid, through a “spinal tap”. If the spinal fluid contains blood, this could mean that an aneurysm has ruptured close to the brain.


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Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment


 Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment In India, Intracranial Aneurysm, best cancer hospitals in India, type of brain aneurysms, Saccular Aneurysms, Fusiform Aneurysms, Symptoms of an Intracranial Aneurysm, Diagnosing an Intracranial Aneurysm for Treatment, Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment, Endovascular Embolization, Microvascular Clipping, Flow Diversion Surgery, Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment Cost in India, Benefits of Pursuing Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment in India


In the case of a ruptured aneurysm, the patient will need treatment immediately or as soon as possible. It is more than likely that the aneurysm will bleed again, treating it will involve restricting the blood flowing into the aneurysm.


Treatment for brain aneurysms, especially in the case of a ruptured one carries significant risk. Based on the patient’s health and the size, type, and condition of the aneurysm, the medical team will decide the best course of action.


Following are the treatment options for Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment in India that international patients can pursue through GoMedii.


Microvascular Clipping


This treatment involves surgical clipping of the aneurysm. A section of the patient’s skull is removed and the aneurysm is located. A metal clip is placed on the opening of the aneurysm to cut off the blood flow into it, and the skull is sealed shut.


Endovascular Embolization


Unlike microvascular clipping, this surgery doesn’t require an invasive opening of the skull. The doctor will insert a catheter into the patient’s groin to reach the affected blood vessel where the aneurysm is located.


Tiny platinum coils will be sent through the tube and placed inside the aneurysm. The coils will cause the aneurysm to clot stopping the blood flow there. This procedure is slightly safer than microvascular clipping, however, there is a higher chance of the aneurysm bleeding again in the future.


Flow Diversion Surgery


This type of surgery is an option for aggressive brain aneurysms that are larger. Clipping or embolization will not be an appropriate treatment in such a condition. In this procedure, the doctor will insert a stent, usually made of metal mesh, inside the artery. It acts as a wall inside the blood vessel to divert blood away from the aneurysm.


Small aneurysms that haven’t ruptured and aren’t causing symptoms may not need treatment. However, this depends on the health of the patient and the condition of the aneurysm. International patients may consult the best doctors in India through GoMedii for consultations on benign aneurysms and the necessary lifestyle changes required.


If a patient is living with a brain aneurysm that has not ruptured, certain changes in their lifestyle can help lower the chances of it being a life-threatening situation. Keep in mind the following:


  • The patient must not use cocaine or other stimulant drugs.


  • The patient must stop smoking immediately.


  • The patient must lower blood pressure with diet and exercise.


  • Limit caffeine intake as it can suddenly raise blood pressure.


  • Avoid lifting heavy things, as this raises blood pressure as well.


Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment Cost in India


International patients can pursue state-of-the-art intracranial aneurysm treatment in India through GoMedii. This is what makes India a prime medical tourism location, world-class care at affordable and pocket-friendly costs. Through GoMedii, international patients can pursue Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment in India for $20000- 25000 USD* compared to the $100,000 price point in the US and elsewhere.


Tests recommended by doctors for the treatment include MRI, CT scan, spinal tap, and angiogram.


Patients can expect an over 95% rate of success in intracranial aneurysm treatment in India, depending on the size and location of the aneurysm.


*Costs can vary based on the patient’s condition, specialized requirements, and other factors.


What are the Benefits of Pursuing Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment in India through GoMedii?


Medical care has made major advances in recent years in India. Extensive medical and healthcare are now more affordable and accessible compared to international costs. International patients can take advantage of India’s state of the art healthcare and efficient treatments, through GoMedii. GoMedii is helping international patients as not only a medical tourism partner but a medical treatment partner as well.


GoMedii works with the best hospitals, institutes, clinics, and professionals to provide international patients with the treatments they need, quickly and at the most affordable costs. GoMedii is the go-to medical treatment partner for many international patients.


This is because at GoMedii, unlike our competitors, we help our family of international patients every step of the way. From initiating their treatment process in India, assisting with medical visas and paperwork, to booking accommodation, GoMedii does it all for their patients.


Find out more about intracranial aneurysm treatment in India and get a consult for just $20 USD. Patients may drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). Patients may even email us at, regarding our services. Our team will connect with you at the earliest.


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