What Is The Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Cost In India?

Acute myeloid leukemia or AML, in 2008, became the first cancer genome to be fully sequenced. The DNA extracted from the leukemic cells, when compared with that of normal cells, showed a lot many previously unknown acquired mutations. Genome sequencing has increased the understanding behind cancer’s onset, with the aim of finding a proper cure for the disease.


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AML requires immediate treatment due to the diease’s fast progression. Keep on reading to know more about it!


What Is Acute Myeloid Leukemia?


AML is a a form of blood cancer that affects the white blood cells. In AML, abnormal myeloid cells start growing rapidly due to genetic changes. This leads to production of immature white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Acute myeloid leukemia is an aggressive form of leukemia which requires immediate treatment.


What Causes Acute Myeloid Leukemia?


Scientists are not exactly aware of what causes acute myeoid leukemia. But they know that genetic changes trigger the onset of AML, but what leads to those changes in our genes is still unknown. Scientists are still studying all the cancer cases to understand the cause better.


These genetic changes may happen:

  • During your lifetime when something changes your DNA.
  • If you inherited a genetic disorder that increases your risk of developing AML.
  • If there was a change in certain genes in your biological parents’ sperm or egg.


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How Do I Identify AML?


AML is identified by the symptoms our body shows. These symptoms can be subtle in the beginning but can rapidly develop into more aggressive ones. The symptoms can start with a normal flu or fever and can reach to swollen lymph nodes, unexplained weightloss, etc.


What Are The Symptoms Of Acute Myeloid Leukemia?


The symptoms include flu, fever, and unexplained weight loss. Other symptoms include:


  • Dizziness.
  • Easy bruising or bleeding, including frequent nosebleeds and bleeding gums.
  • Fatigue.
  • Feeling cold.
  • Night sweats.
  • Frequent infections or infections that don’t go away.
  • Headaches.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Pale skin.
  • Shortness of breath (dyspnea).
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Weakness.
  • Bone, back or abdominal pain.
  • Tiny red spots on your skin (petechiae).
  • Wounds or sores that don’t go away.


What Makes AML Dangerous?


AML is a dangerous disorder as it can disrupt the basic functioning of your immune system. In normal scenario, your bone marrow will produce healthy blood cells in the exact amount required by the body. The myeloid cells produced by the bone marrow would further develop into healthy white blood cells like monocytes, granulocytes, etc. The blood cells would follow their genetic setup that tells them when and how quickly they should multiply and grow. As these cells get older, they die and make room for the new cells. The cycles continues, maintaing the basic functioning of our body.


But abnormal myeloid cells don’t all this steup. Due to alterations the genetic setup, the abnormal cells keep on dividing and growing. They don’t die. This leads to crowding of unhealthy blood cells, due to which, the bone marrow stops producing healthy blood cells. Without healthy cells, your body starts developing diseases.


Moreover, the excess abnormal myeloid cells also tend to spill out of your bone marrow and enter the bloodstream, reaching critical areas like the central nervous system, brains and spinal cord.


The maliganat nature of the abnormal myeloid cells makes AML dangerous for the patient. They keep on growing and dividing, spreading to all the body parts over time.


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What Are The Tests To Detect AML?


Once your doctor is able to identify and confirm the symptoms, they may suggest you some tests to confirm the diagnosis. These diagnostic tests can include blood tests, genetic tests, etc. Your doctor will mainly start the diagnosis with a physical examination. Here, they will look for symptoms like bruises, swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen, etc.


Other diagnostic tests include:


  • Complete blood count (CBC): CBC can reveal the abnormal levels of blood cells in your bloodstream, which can be an indication of presence of leukemia cells.


  • Peripheral blood smear: It involves examining your blood smear under a miscroscope to look for blast cells (immature white blood cells).


  • Bone marrow biopsy: The test involves examining the bone marrow sample taken from the hip bone under a microscope for detailed examination. This test helps in assessing the subtype and percentage of immature white blood cells in your bone marrow.


  • Spinal tap or Lumbar puncture: Your cerebrospinal fluid will be collected from your spinal region and checked for the presence of leukemia cells to see whether the cancer has spread to your central nervous system or not.


What Are The Treatment Options For Acute Myeloid Leukemia In India?


There are many treatment options available for AML, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and bone marrow transplant. The main aim of AML treatment is to put the disease into remission. Now, remission means absence of cancer, i.e., when no cancer cells are found in your blood. Under complete remission, your blood count will also become normal.


The treatments include:


  • Chemotherapy: Certain drugs are used to destroy or slow down the growth of cancer cells. It is commonly used as an oral or intravenous therapy, circling throughout the body to reach cancer cells.


  • Targeted Therapy: Some drugs can target certain cancers to curtail their spread. In targeted therapy, the drugs only target the cells carrying abnormal amounts of certain proteins, leaving the normal ones.


  • Bone Marrow transplant: This treatment replaces the cancerous blood-forming cells killed by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy with new, healthy hematopoietic cells.


Bone marrow transplant is the only treatment available that can cure AML.


What Is The Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Cost In India?


The acute myeloid leukemia treatment cost in India is between USD 23,000 to USD 27,000, depending on the patient’s condition and facility chosen.


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Top Hospitals For Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment In India


There are many hopsitals in India offering the best and the most affordable acute myeloid leukemia treatment. These hospitals are home to some of the most renowned medical specialists in India, having state-of-the-art technology for advanced care. GoMedii has compiled a list of top hospitals providing the best and affordable acute myeloid leukemia treatment cost in India.


The hospitals are:

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FAQs On Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Cost In India


Q: What is the best treatment for acute myeloid leukemia in India?


A: The best treatment for AML is bone marrow transplant. While adjuvant therapies like chemotherapy can delay AML’s spread, BMT is the only treatment that can fully cure the disease.


Q: Is AML 100% curable?


A: No cancer is 100% curable but with BMT, the chances of curing AML tends to cross 90% easily.



Choose GoMedii For The Best And Most Affordable Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Cost In India


If you want to have the best and most affordable acute myeloid leukemia treatment cost in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our Website or at +91 9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at connect@gomedii.com. Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


Feel free to drop your queries through this form. Our team of experts will contact you!


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